4 Kings Gone Mad Part 15

Start from the beginning

The past 5 days have been tortured for the three remaining quads. Between worry for their brother who has made no progress and not knowing where their mate was food and sleep held no merit. Sleep came when they had no choice, and they took shifts sitting at their brother's bedside. exhausted and wiry from lack of sleep the three of them would snap at each other. on the morning of the 6th day Banyon and Ash were at it again. "Why do you feel Teak, Aspen, and I Always have to follow your orders, just because you tell me to sleep does not mean I need to sleep." Ash said. " I am your older brother it's my job to keep you safe. "Banyon said. " A fine job you've do so far oh savior our mate is lost our brother is dying and the only thing you seem to worry about is whether or not I've eaten or bathed." Ash yelled. "If you cared for yourself, you would force yourself to do these things on your own. do you want to see our mate again smelling to the veil and back." Banyon said. "Your one to talk you haven't shaved or bathed when is the last time you slept." Ash said to him they went back and forth for a solid 20 minutes before they were interrupted by a knock on the door. Walking to the door Banyon opened it saying." what now." Before he noticed who it was. Savannah stood Before him with a beautiful smile on her face. " I have done it. she is safe and I know her location.  She is in the hills of the Fallen Held captive by a Dark elf. We need to reach her soon though because she is being tortured. So, stop your fighting and get down to the dining hall the King has assembled the troops, and they are ready to go." Savannah told them. Banyon didn't respond running out the door. Ash thanked Savannah running after his brother. When Ash reached the Hall Teak was already there. Banyon had Mind linked him. "Everyone Fae born will lead Knowing the land best, everyone else will follow behind. Willow you will stay here with the Troop i have ordered to stay behind as well as your mates. everyone arm and be ready to defend your Queen when we reach her. I am told she is held in a cell in the bowels of the cave. She is unclothed only her mates are to enter that cell. Anyone Fae found there is to be brought before the Court to face justice if at all possible. You have your orders carry wings of the king on your journey and return a hero to the Fae." The King finished his speech with a pounding of his fist on his chest. The warriors Returned the pounding. Outside the castle Jax was giving his orders to the epsilon army he brought. " You will fight with honor, and you will fight with Bravery, Bring yourselves home and our luna." he shouted to his Army. Some of the Epsilons were already in animal form. Rows of Great cats, wolves. and bears lined the rows of warriors. Following the Army of Fae Ash spoke to Banyon. "Shes going to be ok Banyon she has to be." Banyon Had forgotten their earlier argument. " She will be ok little brother." Banyon said he didnt know if ash was trying to convince him or himself or even the goddess, but Banyon needed it to be true as well. The armies marched for what felt like hours without any confrontation. Banyon was beginning to believe he was on the wrong track when they came across a putrid smell. " Rogues" Banyon whispered crouching low. Three of the Epsilons nearest to him went in search of the smell. One of the three came back. Quickly " Alpha it two dead Rogues over there. "the warrior said. "The entrance of the cave must be close." Oberon Jesup said. Giving orders to the men to stay low and keep their eyes out for signs of the cave with his hands the troops continued slowly.  In his head Banyon heard Juniper "Someone please help me." Her voice was weak and sent on a common link. Looking around Banyon could tell all his other pack members could hear her. "We are close My love we will be there soon." Banyon sent the private Mind link to her. "Please hurry Banyon He's coming back" She cried to him. His heart was breaking and he Spead up his search. Running through the brush he found the entrance. Ignoring the men telling him to stop he followed his own heart not even bothering to check the rooms and corners. Ash and Teak followed his lead. Teak ran into a room where a rogue was Sitting with a female Rogue on his lap. The woman had her breast out fondling him. The two were so caught up with each other Teak was on them snaping their necks before they had any idea anyone was in the room. Ash ran into a room where Fae were caged some were dead others looked to be close to death others were begging for help. Ripping the cage doors open he let them free Those too weak to walk were helped by the healthier ones. Ash ran to the next door opening it he found a hallway lined with doors on either side. Ash started looking in each cell. Releasing people in the ones that were occupied. Banyon Searched his way through room after empty room until he found a Hallway full of cells. From the end of the hall he heard a crack and a scream then another crack. Running full speed Banyon Mind linked his brothers telling them his location and that he found her. Ripping the door open Banyon ran into the cell. A man was startled to see him burst through the door. A dim light allowed him to see his mate. She hung in the middle of a dank cell damp and cold. Chains from the ceiling held her arms high above her head. She was strung up where her toes barely touched the floor. Bloody and broken her body was caked in dried blood. Deep gouges were carved in her arms, back stomach and legs. His little mate had been tortured by this Fae over and over again and he was going to die. Teak Came bursting through the door just before Banyon could reach the wretched Fool. " He will Be taken to the King Brother It was asked of us. We will not go back on our word." Teak said. Though he too wanted retribution he was a man of his word. "Banyon" Juniper said softly. It was as if she only just noticed he was there. Walking over to her he ripped the chains from the ceiling wrapping an arm around her to support her small body he wrapped her in his shirt. Banyon picked up his broken little mate with whispered promises of home. Teak grabbed the Dark elf by the hair walking him out of the cell. Jax met him with some Fae Kai they were the epsilon of the Fae army. Gadriel one of the Kai walked over to the Dark elf saying. "Raldha you are charged with kidnap of the Queen, and torture of her, you will be brought before the court. You Judged for your crime." Placing Black cuffs upon the Dark elf's wrist. The cuff's looked to be made of stone as soon as the cuffs touched the elf's skin it sizzled and popped. Jax took this time to explain that he, and the others had found many of the Rogues dead. The Alpha rogue had not been found, but Jax and Jesup thought it was safe to travel home. At the caves exit Ash was assisting the other captives leave the cave. Broken Fae of all sizes where being carried or walked out the Epsilon. and Kai were doing their best to assist them. Ash stopped all movement when he seen his little mate. " Princess." the word left his mouth as if ripped from his soul. "What have they done to you." Ash said rushing toward his brother who was holding his mate. Juniper gave a small smile she was so happy her mates had found her. She didn't know how they had but she was grateful for them. Juniper tried to take a deep breath, her ribs burned with the strain of it. She could feel Trixie working to repair her broken body and told her to relax and rest for a bit. She didn't want her wolf at risk. They live inside you with amazing powers, but they have limits too and Trixie was close Juniper could feel it.  Ash looked at his little mate broken and wrapped in his brothers arms. Ash's own arms ached to hold her but fear of causing more harm stopped him. "We need to get her to Aspen, They both need her Vines". Ash said to Banyon. Nodding Banyon agreed. The trek home seemed longer to the men. They needed to keep watch for danger and they had more survivors with them than they expected. Walking on to the castle grounds Banyon carried Juniper straight to Aspen. Against Everyone else's protest he did what he knew to be right. Juniper upon seeing Aspen laying there still as death knew what to do. Ming linking Teak and Banyon she told them to take her and Aspen to the courtyard. Teak did his best to carry his brother as he was told. Placing Juniper close to Aspen Banyon stood back allowing her to do what she needed. Pulling her body close to Aspen she placed her head on his chest over his heart. Juniper heard a heart beat within him soft and strangled it was there. Placing her arms around him she willed the vines to come. Sending thoughts of healing to him and his wolf she let her tears fall onto his large chest. Aspens arms circled her small frame just as the vines enclosed them in their cocoon.

This part was different for me I enjoyed writing it. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Please like and comment. Let me know what you think. This story is almost at its end. Please let me know if you would like me to write another's story from this book. I'm thinking about Ian's story next and how he gets to     come back from being a honey badger.

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