seen unseen the oracle Part 7

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Savannah stood in her cottage. "It's time our guest arrive my babies." she said to her group of companions. Honey badgers were a hearty and resourceful group of animals. The Lycans didn't understand her love for these beautiful creatures. All of her Badgers were former Lycans. Who had been brought down in war, Or their life was cut short too soon. so she changed them into the form of a Badger to save them from Death's embrace. Until last night she had 14 in her company but, last night she gained a new soul in her group. His name was Ian. The badgers would stay in her care until they have purpose, or until their mate can be located. None stay in her Group long only one has been with her for more than 10 years and that was poor Mooney, but his day would be soon. "It won't be long now Mooney my love your mate is nearly of age. Her name is Lilly and she is the alphas kid sister. 

A knock on the door told Savannah that her pending Visit was no longer pending. Her guest have arrived. Shooing her little friends out of the Sitting room she pulled open the door. " Good morning, Alphas and Betas. Good morning, Luna and Gamma. I hope your day is well." savannah said. Juniper didn't know what to expect. She had never met an oracle Before, but this wasn't it. This person looked no more than 12 years of age. She had big blue eyes, and long sandy brown hair. She was small only around 4 or 5 feet tall. She was beautiful. Banyon had told Juniper that the woman was of unknown age, and that she had been with the pack for well over 200 years this Child like person just didn't fit.  A Badger came waddling out of the other room. Banyon Looked over at it. for some reason he felt he knew this badger.  Why did it seem so familiar to him. Shaking his head Banyon decided to ignore the feeling. Savannah went on." You are here for answers. Those I cannot bring, the answers you seek will come from the Fairy king." Juniper looked to Banyon " What on earth does that mean." she said. of course, it would be in riddles why wouldn't it be in riddles that's just the way her life goes. need answers get riddles. she thought to herself. Savannahs eyes landed on Juniper. "You don't like riddles young one. I thought everyone liked riddles, its why I have been using them for so long. Ok, ok, look ya gotta ask the fairy king who you are it's not my secret to tell." she said with a smile. " Can you tell us why Rogues are after the girls." Banyon asked. "No that is still Fairy king secrets. But I can tell you that you need to mark your mate soon. All of you do. Danger is coming, and it's coming fast. The Betas have their mate Marked but You three are taking time that you do not have. Juniper they are waiting for you to be ready. Get ready love waiting could cost you your life, and the lives of the people you love most." she said. Adding that Teak Needed to re-mark Juniper for her to gain full power. Juniper suddenly got very scared. Her face turned white, and her heart started racing. Savannah walked over to her and grabbed her hands into her own. " Everyone walk outside." she told the group. "I Need to speak to Juni on my own."  As everyone Left the house Juniper felt abandoned. How could her sister and mates just leave her alone like that. The only one who made a move to protect her, and comfort her was Teak. She guessed she could drop the cold shoulder. 

Savannah smiled at Juniper after the group had left. " Don't Look so worried. I would never hurt you dear." she said. It seemed strange for someone who looked so young to be speaking to Juniper as if she were a child. "Come Here let me show you something," Savannah said walking Juniper over to a grand Mirror on the wall. As the oracle Touched the mirror It shimmered like water would with ripples when you touch the surface.  " This is a Seepa. They are used to show those without the gift of foresight what will happen. I think you need to see what the claiming will bring you, the Joy and the love you will feel." the oracle told her. Looking into the mirror Juni seen herself surrounded by her mates. She seen the claiming, but the Seepa also showed her more. It showed her future children and then to grandchildren. Then the Seepa also turned Grey and showed her denying the marking. It showed a great battle, and at the end of the battle her mates and her sister lay dead in front of her. All of them were gone. As she watched her heart broke. "NO." she said she couldn't Lose all of them. "You need not worry about the marking. That's Painless, what you need to fear is not being marked." Savannah said. Juniper told her she understood. she was afraid still but more afraid of losing everyone.

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