Daddys home Part 10

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The party was in full swing. People were dancing. people were eating and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Well, everyone except Juniper. Since she woke up this morning Juniper has had a strong feeling of impending Doom. She couldn't shake the feeling that something big was about to happen. At first, she chalked it up to nerves. As the night progressed the feeling got stronger. By the time the guys opened the presents, The feeling was a living thing in the pit of her stomach. "What's wrong with you Juni-bean. You have an odd look on your face." Willow said to her. "I don't know something is going to happen." Juniper told her. "Yeah, you have four hot mates you're going to make very happy tonight." Willow laughed. Juniper though about it but knew that wasn't it. 

Juniper was dancing with Ash when a stirring of air started. The stirring turned to a fizzling. Junipers nerves were on edge and the air felt thick with electricity. "Do you feel that?" She asked Ash. "Feel wha.." Ash was cut off. There was a loud clap of thunder and a Flash. At first it would seem like a sudden storm that cropped up, but the storm was inside the hall. Sudden squeals of Suprise and gasps filled the air. An eerie glow filled the hall coming from the center of the room. A ball of green swirling light started to grow. The light grew until it was at least 10 feet in diameter.  A figure started to walk through the light. everyone was shocked frozen in place with unease not knowing what to make of things. Junipers mates surrounded her ready to defend their mate. The figure finally took on shape it was a man. He stood around 6 foot tall. He had light almost white, blond hair. His clothing looked to be made of fine silk and gold threads. his boots even looked made of the gold threads. he had on a cape made of snow-white fur with blue green spots like that of a leopard. The man didn't look old maybe 27 or 28 years of age.  His eyes were a startling purple almost royal purple which was a stark contrast to his skin and hair. the man walked directly up to Banyon.

" It has been brought to my attention that that the  Alpha quads have been looking for me." The man said. " If you are the Fae King Then yes, I have." Banyon said in a very business-like tone.  The man nodded. " I am Goeff King of the Fae. Why would a Lycan be searching for my audience." The man said. " We were told you would have answers we seek. I would appreciate an audience with you in my office If I may." Banyon said. The king nodded his approval. Banyon Motioned to Willow and, Juniper to Follow him and the king to his office. Asking his brothers and Betas to wait in the hall and show their guest out. Through mind link. He didn't want to scare the King and he desperately needed answers to his questions. He loved his mate and wanted to keep her safe. 

Walking into the office Banyon motioned for the king to have a seat. The king declined looking at the girls. From the look on his face, it seemed as if he only just noticed them. "You do look like your mother" He said to them. Looking at each other with both sadness and Suprise. Willow asked." you know our mom." The Fae king smiled. " I do. she was a wonderful woman, and the love of my life." He said. " Your Our Father, aren't you?" Juniper said. As she said it though she already knew the answer.  Memories floated into her mind. She and her sister sitting on the floor playing with toys. Watching this man twirl her mother around in a dance. Both of her parents were smiling the love in their eyes so strong. Her mother laughing as the girl's father whispered in her ear. Tears stung at Junipers eyes. Her throat tightened. The memories of her mother brought back the Feeling of loss that wedged itself firmly in her heart. It's odd but going through life your told about loss and grief. You expect that one day you will lose your parent. What people dont tell you is the grief is relived every day. A memory, a song, a smell, and it comes back knocking the wind out of you.  It happens so fast seemingly out of nowhere. You could be sitting there, everything is going great, and wham stabbing pain. Overwhelming Grief grips your heart, and the loss is back. Just as painful as the first pain filled moment you realized life would never be the same again. It was Willow who spoke. "You left us. You walked out the door, and never looked back. You know you broke her heart. Hell, you broke her spirit. She was never the same after you left. How could you do that to her. She never dated again she never moved, and she left this life alone." Willow cried. Juniper stood there Frozen. She had known Willow was hurt, but she didn't know she carried so much anger. To see her carefree, happy, fun-loving sister so angry was a bit of a shock. Goeff Looked hurt by the outburst but didn't respond to Willow. He instead turned to Banyon and asked. " What answers do you seek." " We need to know what kind of Fae the girls are but I believe we have that answer. We also need to know why Rogues would be after the girls." Banyon said. " To answer your first question. The girls are Royal Fairy Born, but also Water Pixie born. My mother was Queen of the Water pixies. My father was Royal Fairy. My current Wife and I are the current ruling couple over Pixie born and Fairy born. The girls here are my only Heirs Therefore they will one day rule as well." He told them. Juniper and Willows Jaws dropped. " And the Rogues" Banyon asked. " All I can come up with is take out the Heirs, end the court. The Rogues have been trying to get their hands on Faree for Centuries." The king said. " Why have you never come to the Lycans before? We can help. All you needed to do was ask." Banyon said to him. " Do you think we have not. We have asked every Lycan Alpha In every pack from here to Japan. We get the same response. They all have their own problems." He said. " You have never asked me." Banyon said " I asked your father." the king said. " My father is no longer in charge, and it would seem now your problem is our problem; now that your heir is my mate, and our packs Luna." Banyon said. "I would apricate your help. This conversation would be better handled in Faeree with my Guards available to explain counter defenses and information we have so far." Goeff said. Banyon agreed but added that his Delta and brothers must also attend. The king agreed. Banyon had transmitted the information he had learned to his betas, brothers and Jax. Leaving Henry ,Jude and Ryder in charge of the pack. All 4 alphas, the 2 Betas, Willow, Juniper and Jax followed the Fairy King into the same swirling green light as he had come through before. In a blink of an eye, they were in another world, Dimention,  and Time. 

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