The room is colored with deep mahogany accents and plush leather chairs. A long, polished wooden table stretches before me, and the board members sit on the other side. Their faces are serious, professional, creating a contrast to the chaotic world that I'm accustomed to. Unbeknownst to me, they want to help guide me back into the world, but I am petrified of what comes from this meeting. Their stares bare into me as I make my way towards the empty seat across from them. The memories of my past misdeeds flash before my eyes, and I can almost hear the whispers of Hydra's influence. But I am not that person that sits before them.

Because anywhere is better than being in the clutches of my maker.

"Thank you for joining us today, Miss. Rawlins," a gentleman in his late forties addresses me. "You have been summoned before this board to discuss the conditions of your pardon and the requirements for your reintegration into society. We understand the gravity of your situation, and we appreciate your willingness to participate in this process. Do you understand your rights?"

I nod in acknowledgement, knowing that whatever I say here will determine my next step forward. "I appreciate the opportunity to be present for this hearing. I stand before you, committed to step forward on a new path. One that I hope comes with healing and redemption."

At once, they all flip open a file, one that contains vital information about myself. My name flashes on the cover as they turn the page and the sounds of their pens clicking fill the room. The collective focus on the details of my life, in its entirety, is a poignant reminder of the significance of their hearing. I've been on the stand during court cases, but during that time, I was only explaining the significance of my findings. This, however, determines whether I can return to a life that was stripped away from me.

The same gentleman looks up from the file, a somber smile takes form as he looks at me. It's almost as if he feels for me, but it is quickly exchanged with an unreadable expression. He clears his throat before he speaks, "Miss. Rawlins, the floor is now open to you. Please feel free to begin your remarks, share your perspective, and provide insights to your journey."

I give them a nervous smile. Taking a deep breath, I reach into my jacket pocket and retrieve the folded piece of paper that I've brought with me. It entails all the little details I'd like to share with them about myself. Carefully, I unfold it and place it on the table before me, silently rehearsing the things I will disclose to the board. They observe my nervousness, but also, they see my willingness to be cooperative with them. My heart pounds in my chest, and I begin to nervously tap my foot.

"Well, I'll start at the beginning. I'm Dr. Avalon Jane Rawlins, a forensic scientist by trade. I never imagined I'd be entangled with Hydra, but it all began when I discovered their dark operations during World War ll. I learned of what they were really doing, which turned into me uncovering information about their Winter Soldier program," I explain, slowly becoming more comfortable with talking about my past. My eyes glance down at the paper in front of me before I look back up at the board. "I tried my best to keep this information to myself, but unfortunately, my father, who had connections to Hydra, discovered my research. It was my own father, Dr. Lorenzo Rawlins, who gave me over to Hydra and orchestrated my disappearance in 1949. He faked my death to keep me silent, and in doing so, condemned me to a life I never asked for."

"This is certainly an unexpected turn, Dr. Rawlins," a younger woman of the board speaks up, her curiosity peaking. "Your file doesn't disclose your father's involvement and the extent he went to silence you. Please, continue."

I take a moment to gather my thoughts before delving further into my past. The room falls into a brief, contemplative silence. My eyes dart to the images on the walls, capturing the details of a beautiful Boston skyline in the setting sun, a stark contrast to the dark tales I'm recounting.

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