"Three go in, Three come out. They weren't too careful however, as only one left with a saddened pout. Where am I?"

     "That's the Monarch Theater!" Jim exclaimed as Bruce began remembering that dreadful night.

     "You don't have to do this." His father's pleads echoed.

     "THOMAS!!" His mothers screams grew ever the more loud in his head.

     "MOMMY!!" He remembered screaming in pain.

     "Batman? Everything ok?" Harvey asked as he turned over to look at him.

     "Monarch Theater, I'll get there immediately." Bruce spoke turning to the door.

     "Now hold on there Batman." Harvey spoke as Jim and The Bat turned to him out of curiosity. "Now I know, questioning to save a life isn't something we should do but if we save Bullock keep in mind he'll enlighten the public about his presence." Harvey reminded.

     "Harvey, we need to save him." Jim spoke without hesitation.

     "Because it's right or because he's your best friend? Now I agree with you Jim. But he's doing this for a reason." Harvey spoke.

     "He's doing it for control over us. He knows Jim is close with detective Bullock, and he wants to see if he'll choose his best friend over the city's wellbeing. I agree that we shouldn't have to let the city in, to allow a wave of panic to erupt amongst the streets. But we can't let Bullock die, not even if it means letting the city know about this maniac." Bruce spoke as he immediately left afterwards.

     "How about you and I head back to my apartment, hm?" A man asked as he was kissing the neck of a young, dark haired women who bit her lip looking at him.

     "That sounds.. perfect." She started as she kissed on his ear seductively. "But I have somewhere to be later on." She smiled as the man shook his head and handing her a card.

     "Well after you're done, call me alright?" He insisted as she took the card nodding as the man began walking off. She grinned as she then revealed the man's wallet and watch in the palm of her hand as she then tucked it in her purse and began walking away pleased with herself.

     "Master Bruce, you have about 10 minutes before the bomb goes off I recommend you hurry!" Alfred insisted as Bruce quickly grappled over the building as he overlooked the theatre.

     "Don't worry Alfred I'm.." Bruce started until he began hearing a buzzing sound looking around in confusion. "Here." He said in a confused tone.

     "Sir?" Alfred asked curiously. Just then a loud crash came from the window below him as a man wearing some kind of jetpack flew up in the air with a flame thrower in his arms.

     "Hey there, BATMAN!" The man shouted with impression in his tone. "The boss said you'd be here, I didn't expect it entirely though." He said.

     "Who are you?" Bruce asked taking a step closer to the airborne man.

     "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is I can't let you get in that building so easily. What do you say we turn up the heat?" He laughed deviously as he flew in closer to the bat with flames spewing from the flame thrower. Bruce quickly hurdled out of the way as he threw a batarang at the jetpack causing the man to lose control but not too much that he crashed.

     "Last chance, leave now!" Bruce shouted as the man shook his head gaining more altitude in the air.

     "Not a chance." The man spoke as he flew in once more. But instead of jumping out of the direction of him and the flames, Bruce instead lurched towards him and spun him around smashing him against the wall. Bruce yanked the flame thrower out of his grasp and tossed it aside as he pulled the black ski mask the man was wearing revealing his face.

     "Who are you?" The Bat interrogated as his grip against the man tightened.

     "His name is Garfield Lynns, sir. He was a pyrotechnics and special effects expert at panessa studios until they shut down all projects a few weeks back causing everyone to lose their jobs." Alfred explained.

     "Who am I?" The man asked followed by a chuckle. "You can call me Firefly." He snickered as Bruce struck him across the face causing him to go unconscious. He then made his way in the direction of the theater, but just as he was about to make his way inside, a huge explosion erupted from inside of the building causing Bruce to thud into the wall behind him as he went unconscious.

     "Honey, I'm home!" Lucius shouted as he set his keys down on the desk and shut the door behind him. He had a somewhat unsettling feeling though as he hadn't heard anyone's response nor was he greeted with the familiar aroma of Christmas eve dinner that his wife usually made. "Tanya?" He called out moving deeper into the home into the living room. "Luke? Tiff?" He continued. He picked up the fire poker next to the fireplace as he made his way into the empty kitchen. Just then he cocked his head to the open back door as laughter came from outside. He quickly made his way to the back as he turned to see his family surrounding the fire pit. A breath of air escaped his lungs with ease as his stress escaped his body.

      "DAD!" Tiffany called out running up to her father with her arms open wide. Lucius opened the door with a smile and stepped outside lifting her up in the air and holding her in his arms as he approached the rest of his family.

     "Bout time pops." Luke joked as Lucius chuckled lightly standing beside his wife.

     "Yes, sorry I had to do something before heading out is all." He explained as he set Tiffany in Tanya's lap.

     "It's ok dear, we understand." she reassured as Lucius smiled lightly.

     "SORRY, must've been one too many of those hot dogs." A voice spoke walking out of the house approaching the family as Lucius turned to the voice.

      "OH! Honey, we have a guest." Tanya spoke as the man approached Lucius smiling big. He had a hat shadowing his entire face although somehow his grin was easily shown. 

       "The great Lucius Fox, nice to meet you!" The man spoke holding out his hand to greet him.

     "Honey, this is Jack." Tanya spoke as a strike of fear and realization hit Lucius as he looked at the man once more. This was the man Bruce was chasing after. He knew he had to alert him right away but he was also sure that he had to remain calm to ensure his family's safety. He forced a smile as he slowly moved his hand to Jack's.

      "Nice to meet YOOOOOOUU-" Lucius started until a shock of electricity was sent through his body as Jack grinned raising his hand revealing a joy buzzer as Lucius collapsed to the ground.

     "DAD!" Luke shouted as Tiffany began screaming and Tanya overlooked her husband in horror. Luke then grabbed the metal rod the family was using for the fireplace as he took a swing at the man. Jack had quick reflexes though. He quickly dodged and gripped a hold of the rod headbutting Luke sending him back into his chair leaving him in a dazed state.

      "LUKE! BABY!" Tanya shouted as she quickly set Tiffany down and swung at Jack with instinct  but just like before he reacted quickly if not quicker. He caught her fist mid air and struck her across the face with ease knocking her unconscious. He then slowly approached Luke stepping on his chest revealing his grin and giggling lightly as Luke looked up at him in horror. He then spat in his face with an angry expression.

     "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" He shouted as Jack then took off his hat revealing his entire face now. He had green hair, and his face was covered in what looked to be clown makeup. It was just then that he had realized how big the man's grin was. 

     "Your father, that's all I want. He'll live as long as you cooperate though alright?" The man giggled as he revealed a small gun in his inner suit pocket. "Let me take him and everyone lives. He'll be returned to you by the time you wake up to open presents even. Try to stop me, and your mom and sister both will die as I will leave you there overlooking their corpses and add your father to the pile once I'm through with him." He threatened as he slowly moved his foot off of him and turned to pick up Lucius carrying him to the house. Tiffany ran over to Luke quickly as Luke held her trying to calm her from what she had just witnessed. He loves his father, but he knew if he was able to tell him, he'd tell him to stay put and watch over his mother and sister.

     "It'll be ok, Batman will bring him home." Luke told his sister even though he had very little faith in the matter.

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