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The morning sun bathed Light's face in its warm embrace as she let out a sleepy yawn. With a gentle rub of her eyes, the young girl's attention fixated on the heavens above. Above her stretched an endless expanse of cerulean sky, adorned with fluffy, cotton-like clouds drifting lazily in the tranquil summer breeze.

Light reclined on a comfortable deer hide, her gaze fixed on the billowing clouds as they drifted lazily across the sky. The time of year had brought forth a celestial display, with a pristine canvas adorned by billions of twinkling stars. Her favorite pastime, during both the early dawn and the quiet hours of the night, was simply to watch the ever-changing sky. It enveloped her in serenity, an open-armed embrace she found deeply comforting.

Light propped herself up, sitting cross-legged, and surveyed the tranquil scene around her. Her eyes settled on the serene lake, its deep blue waters undisturbed except for the occasional ripple that danced across its surface. The lake was encircled by a stunning array of towering green trees, their leaves swaying gracefully in the gentle breeze. Overhead, a symphony of birds passed by, their lively chatter filling the air. Amidst the natural beauty, a few small cabins peeked out here and there along the shoreline. On a nearby pier, two girls engaged in lively conversation, their words carried away by the soft rustling of leaves and the lapping of the water, just beyond Light's reach.

Riptide Gorge, that's what they christened this vast expanse. A land of grandeur, it was graced by a magnificent gorge winding its way through the terrain, flanked by cascading waterfalls and towering sentinels of the forest. It was a sight of sheer perfection.

Light had spent her formative years in a secluded corner known as South Cascadia, nestled near the border of this territory. With a relatively sparse population, loneliness often accompanied her. Nevertheless, as time passed, she grew fond of her solitude. She maintained a cherished friendship with someone from the neighboring territory of Ravenfall, not too distant from South Cascadia. Though the meanings of the territory names eluded her, the appellations the residents had given them held a special allure.

Riptide Gorge, a place so enchanting, it could have sprung from the pages of a fantasy novel. Towering hills enclosed the region, their grandeur casting protective shadows over the landscape. A rich tapestry of lush trees and vibrant flora cloaked the emerald earth of the gorge. It was a vision of perfection, a realm of seemingly flawless beauty.

Yet, beneath the surface, if one were to delve into the annals of Riptide Gorge's history, they would uncover a narrative far more intricate and mysterious than its picturesque exterior suggested.

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