Freeing Discord

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Dark Steve starts to hover, striking lightning on himself, and his eyes begin to glow red. Sabre mounts Rainbow Dash and they while Dark Steve, Time Steve, Genesis Steve, Twilight and Spike fly over to the fight, to assist the 3 Cyberdrone Steves to keep Grogar off of the fourth Cyberdrone Steve as well as Light Steve and Assistant Steve.

"We must contain them in a small space or revert them back into their physical form," The Cyberdrone Steves are already efficient enough at that, the problem they are having is trying to attack Grogar in his smokey form. They have the electrical punch ability, but it isn't effective enough unless the smoke could be compressed into a tight space, which is impossible, not with just them 3 Cyberdrone Steves all on their own.

"Time, use your reversal abilities on him!" Genesis Steve yelled, growing several 50 block tall trees around everybody in a large circle and then covers the hole at the top with floating round balls of dirt, stopping Grogar from easily escaping. Everybody is circling around Grogar, trying to avoid his attacks. Time Steve tries reversing the time states of Grogar's current form, but he's too spread out.

"Enough of this foolishness!" Grogar roared, as a powerful blast wave emits from his smoke form, blowing and ripping the ring of trees and roof of dirt to pieces, sending everyone back several dozens of blocks and into the ground, except the 3 Cyberdrone Steves, as well as Sabre-carrying Rainbow Dash, who swurved up to avoid the blast wave. They as well as the 3 Cyberdrone Steves continue trying to attack Grogar, but to no avail.

"Oh now you've asked for it!" Time Steve began striking lightning on himself. His eyes began to glow a bright yellow.

"Oh no you don't!" Grogar declared furiously , manifesting his smoke form into the shape of a dagger, and flies straight for Time Steve, quicker than anybody could react, except for...

"Time!" Rarity trots in front in front of him and uses her magic to create a shield around him and her. This caught Grogar off guard, and he bounces off the shield and is flung backwards, quickly manifesting back into his physical form. The 3 Cyberdrone Steves immediately descend onto Grogar and they each threw a punch, taking off a huge chunk of his flesh, and bones off his sides. Grogar's bloodied body spasms as the 3 Cyberdrone Steves grab him with their left hands and electrocute him with several dozens of thousands of voltage. Grogar falls limp onto his side. But as the Cyberdrone Steves were about to finish him off, lightning began striking on Grogar. Almost instantly, he is back up on his hooves, completely healed.

"Don't think your space tech and intelligence can just stop us so easily, tin heads," Void Steve retorted comes flying into the frey, and lands next to Grogar, on the right.

Without warning, Time Steve summons lightning on Genesis Steve, Colle, Twilight, Rarity and Spike. Time Steve teleports them to the Time Dimension. Dark Steve runs to the main entrance into the citadel and joins up with the fourth Cyberdrone Steve as well as Light Steve and Assistant Steve.

Meanwhile, the 3 Cyberdrone Steves as well as a powered up Time Steve take several steps back, making sure they're in front of the others. The Cyberdrone Steves aim their plasma bolt rifles at them, while Time Steve holds the staff he created in his right hand.
Meanwhile, Sabre-mounted Rainbow Dash tries swooping down from above. Both of them catch Void Steve and Grogar off guard, and strikes devastating blows of lightning strikes with the supercharged redstone staff and armour respectively, but it unfortunately does nothing to them. Void Steve flies up and turns around to face them, and tries chasing them. They continue flying higher and higher, chasing each other, all the way to the clouds. Rainbow Dash easily dodges Void Steve's fireballs and lightning.

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