A Doctor Joins The Fight?

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After Rainbow Dash flew off to help in the defence of Ponyville against the Demon Steves, the Violet Leader took Granny Smith and Big Mac to the Violet Kingdom. The Green Leader teleported Sabre, Applejack and the CMC to the Red Kingdom, more specifically, outside the lab.

"Was this what the observatory looked before... whatever happened?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah it was- Oh right, you haven't actually seen it before Hypno happened, yeah. This is the observatory. It's been patched up pretty well," Sabre replied. The dark oak door of the observatory open, with Professor Red walking through the door. He still has the salmon on his head, but not in either of his hands, but totally different items.

"Why are you holding a... toilet plunger and a whisk?" Sweetie Belle slowly asked.

"These are neither of those, they're for the weapon to replace those mechs. Even just one will blast through them demons. One of these already demonstrated and performed very well," Professor Red explained with a deep voice, sounding prideful and proud.

"Interesting, but that's not what we came here for. We uh- Can you have a look at Applejack for us? She's been losing her mind. She's been talking about cider barrels in the sky, apple spirits and apple rituals- As much as she says she hasn't, she's lost it," Sabre requested.

"From the sounds of it, she may be going through something similar to what I once experienced. Over time, she will gradually get better. I still don't know entirely what was the cause to this day, but I will confirm she will get better, eventually."

"Is there anything we can do in the mean time!? My sis is suffering really bad!"

"Oh you and Applejack are sisters? Interesting. Anyway, the best thing to do is help her ride out the storm. If it gets worse, come back to me," Professor Red replied to Apple Bloom.

"Th... thank you," Apple oom repeated while hugging Professor Red, who continues talking to Sabre.

"Is that all? I'm a very busy man working on a weapon- Well, with the help of two students, who are showing a lot of potential."

"Yeah about that, who are they?" Sabre asked.

"One is called Drone Red Steve. There is also a Blue Steve, who is also... smart, when it comes to redstone. He's called Strategist Blue Steve," Professor Red replied.

"Steve names being weird as usual," Scootaloo said as she rolled her eyes. Sweetie Belle lightly taps the pegasus' head whilst shaking her own head.

"Drone and Strategist? Huh, odd names for steves. You'd think one with 'Strategist' in their name would be a Red Steve. Guess you're just wrong sometimes," Sabre thought to himself.

"Odd names, not gonna lie Professor, and... and Apple Bloom, you can let go of Professor now," Said Sabre. Apple Bloom let's go of Professor Red.

"Just knowing my sis'll be okay has... I'm so relieved..."

"You have us to talk to if you need to as well Apple Bloom," Sweetie Belle softly said.

"Well, if that's all, I will go back to what I'm doing," Said Professor Red.

"Well, can you teleport these four to the Violet Kingdom and me back to Equestria?" Sabre requested. Professor Red summons lightning, teleporting Applejack and the CMC to the Violet Kingdom. He then teleports Sabre to Ponyville's Town Hall.
Sabre, now being in the centre of Ponyville, sees what was a peaceful town, has been transformed into a formidable fortification defended to the teeth. There's multiple green tents set up, teaming with Colourless and Royal Guards, armed with bows and spears. All path ways are littered with trap holes, covered by green leaves. In these trap holes are spears and spikes. On top of the roof of each house in Ponyville are more Colourless and Royal Guards, also armed with bows and spears.

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