{22} We Were Meant To Be

Start from the beginning

“It doesn’t, Us. Forget it—please. I love him and he loves me. Don’t do this. Don’t ruin his party and our night,” I whisper. He blinks and unexpectedly his eyes are shining with tears.

“No. Of course I won’t. You’re okay?” He wants reassurance.

“I’ve never been happier,” I whisper. He reaches forward and grabs my hand regardless of Bible’s arm wrapped around me.

“You really are okay?” He asks hopefully.

“Yes.” I grin at him, my joy returning. He’s back onside. He smiles at me, my happiness reflecting back on him. I step out of Bible’s hold, and he hugs me suddenly.

“Bui—I was so worried when I read this. I didn’t know what to think. Will you explain it to me?” He whispers.

“One day, not now.”

“Good. I won’t tell anyone. I love you so much, Bui, like my own brother. I just thought...I didn’t know what to think. I’m sorry. If you’re happy, then I’m happy.” He looks directly at Bible and repeats his apology. He nods at him, his eyes glacial, and his expression does not change. Oh shit, he’s still mad.

“I really am sorry. You’re right, it’s none of my business,” He whispers to me.

There’s a knock on the door that startles Us and I apart. Som pokes her head around.

“Everything okay, darling?” She asks Bible.

“Everything’s fine, aunty,” Us says immediately.

“Fine, Mom,” Bible says.

“Good.” Som enters. “Then you won’t mind if I give my son a birthday hug.” She beams at both of us.

He hugs her tightly and thaws immediately.

“Happy birthday, darling,” She says softly, closing her eyes in his embrace. “I’m so glad you’re still with us.”

“Mom, I’m fine.” Bible smiles down at her. She pulls back, looks at him closely, and grins.

“I’m so happy for you,” She says and caresses his face.

He grins at her—his thousand megawatt smile.

She knows! When did he tell her?

“Well, kids, if you’ve all finished your tête-à-tête, there’s a throng of people here to check that you really are in one piece, Bible, and to wish you a happy birthday.”

“I’ll be right there.”

Som glances anxiously at Us and me and seems reassured by our smiles. She winks at me as she holds the door open for us. Bible holds out his hand to me and I take it.

“Bible, I really do apologize,” Us says humbly. Humble Us is something to behold. Bible nods at him, and we follow him out.

In the hallway, I gaze anxiously at Bible. “Does your mother know about us?”


“Oh.” And to think our evening could have been derailed by the tenacious Mr. Akkarachotsopon. I shudder at the thought—the ramifications of Bible’s lifestyle revealed to all. Holy cow.

“Well, that was an interesting start to the evening.” I smile sweetly at him. He glances at me—and it’s back, his amused look. Thank heavens.

“As ever, Mr. Puttha, you have a gift for understatement.” He raises my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles as we walk into the living room to a sudden, spontaneous, and deafening round of applause.

Carpe Diem (Sumettikul's Universe Two)Where stories live. Discover now