{22} We Were Meant To Be

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“ ’cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of souls, i can tell you there’s no place we couldn’t go”

hey guys :D enjoy <333

Chapter Begins Here

All the colour drains from my face as my blood turns to ice and fear lances through my body. Instinctively I step between him and Bible.

“What is it?” Bible murmurs, his tone wary.

I ignore him. I cannot believe Us is doing this.

“Us! This is nothing to do with you.” I glare venomously at him, anger replacing my fear. How dare he do this? Not now, not today. Not on Bible’s birthday. Surprised by my response, he blinks at me, eyes wide.

“Build, what is it?” Bible says again, his tone more menacing.

“Bible, would you just go, please?” I ask him.

“No. Show me.” He holds out his hand, and I know he’s not to be argued with—his voice is cold and hard. Reluctantly I give him the email.

“What’s he done to you?” Us asks, ignoring Bible. He looks so apprehensive. I flush as a myriad of erotic images flit quickly across my mind.

“That’s none of your business, Us.” I can’t keep the exasperation out of my voice.

“Where did you get this?” Bible asks, his head cocked to one side, his face expressionless, but his voice...so menacingly soft. Us flushes.

“That’s irrelevant.” At his stony glare, he hastily continues. “It was in the pocket of a jacket—which I assume is yours—that I found on the back of Bui’s bedroom door.” Faced with Bible’s burning gaze, Us’ steeliness slips a little, but he seems to recover and scowls at him.

He’s a beacon of hostility. He looks magnificent. But what the hell is he going through my clothes for? It’s usually the other way round.

“Have you told anyone?” Bible’s voice is like a silk glove.

“No! Of course not,” Us snaps, affronted. Bible nods and appears to relax. He turns and heads toward the fireplace. Wordlessly Us and I watch as he picks up a lighter from the mantelpiece, sets fire to the email, and releases it, letting it float afire slowly into the grate until it is no more. The silence in the room is oppressive.

“Not even JJ?” I ask, turning my attention back to Us.

“No one,” Us says emphatically, and for the first time he looks puzzled and hurt. “I just want to know you’re okay, Build,” He whispers.

“I’m fine, Us. More than fine. Please, Bible and I are good, really good—this is old news. Please ignore it.”

“Ignore it?” He says. “How can I ignore that? What’s he done to you?” And his hazel eyes are so full of heartfelt concern.

“He hasn’t done anything to me, Us. Honestly—I’m good.”

He blinks at me.

“Really?” He asks.

Bible wraps an arm around me and draws me close, not taking his eyes off Us.

“Bui has agreed to marry me, Us,” He says quietly.

“Marry!” Us squeaks, his eyes widening in disbelief.

“Yes, we’re getting married. We’re going to announce our engagement this evening,” He says.

“Oh!” Us gapes at me. He’s stunned. “I leave you alone for sixteen days, and this happens? It’s very sudden. So yesterday, when I said—” He gazes at me, lost. “Where does that email fit into all this?”

Carpe Diem (Sumettikul's Universe Two)Where stories live. Discover now