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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Do anything and I'll send you and your green bastard into a heart attack that'll last a lifetime."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Eloise knew that Tony Stark would somehow fuck things up but she really did not anticipate it happening like this. She knew that he was a genius so seeing him go completely off the rails, insane, like he was now really did unsettle her.

When they boarded the Quinjet, Eloise was less than happy to discover that they had lost Natasha during the fight. She was still alive, Clint had explained, but Ultron had her in his grasp. This fact alone made Eloise irrationally angry. Her fists had clenched into tight balls at her side and, unintentionally, she had short-circuited one of their ways home.

Set on getting back to where Stark, Banner, and Peter awaited, Clint had taken off before them shortly after her minor explosion of frustration. He called one of the jets that they had on standby and flew off, leaving the four of them behind. Eloise eventually fixed her mistake, getting their own Quinjet back online. Steve was behind the wheel in an instant, taking off in the direction that Barton had gone.

Eloise sat with the twins, not fully interacting with them but not ignoring them either. It was a good thing they didn't talk much anyway, both looking more exhausted than anything. There was no way she would be getting a decent night's rest from here on out.

"Ten minutes until arrival," Steve announced. Eloise blinked, not realizing how far they had flown. Both of the twins had long since passed out, needing the rest more than anything. Eloise herself had fallen asleep though she hadn't even realized it. Unfortunately, she felt more restless than rested.

Gently, she shook Pietro awake.

"Get Wanda up," she said, her voice a near-whisper. Eloise didn't want to break the seal of silence that had been cast over the jet but with only ten minutes until they landed, she knew they would both need to be as mentally prepared as possible. Hopefully, they weren't too late to stop Stark from doing whatever it was he planned to do.

Eloise let out a sigh. After leaving home, she didn't think that this was what she would be doing and she didn't know if this was even what she truly wanted to be doing. Sure, she was helping the "good guys" fight to help those without abilities live to see another day but she almost wanted to just go live on a farm at the edge of her home country and sip tea until the sun inevitably went down forever. But no, she was stuck here on a plane heading into what was most likely more dangerous than she could afford.

But then she looked over at Pietro and Wanda. Without everything that had happened to her up until that point, she might have never met them. She watched as Pietro softly stirred Wanda from her slumber and wondered what would have happened to them had she not been around. Surely they would have chosen the side of good and left Ultron without her there to show them that things weren't so bad with the Avengers.

She looked over at Steve, who was flicking different switches and pressing buttons that had no significant meaning to her. Looking at him made her think of Natasha, someone that she also would have never met had she not chosen to leave home.


Thinking her name hurt Eloise's heart. She couldn't fully grasp why, probably because the two had such similar upbringings with the same woman that turned their childhoods into stiff, stone-like, and wistfully forgotten times. She had more in common with Natasha than any of her thirteen sisters. Well, besides from one. Princess Luna Dupree. Meant to be the twin to her sister, Emily, she only got three minutes of life before she was ripped from this world. At least that's what her mother had said. The only thing the two had in common was that they were both legally dead in the eyes of the people of Konstintina. At least her sisters got to be alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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