Chapter 66: Clouds of War

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The lair of the Uchiha

The body of Sasuke continued to cringe, as the possessor Uchiha couldn't help but grin.

"Soon, that boy will be gone and I'll have full control of this new body. Then, that former Teammate of mine will get his and Fluffy will be mine" he brooded.

Fluffy contained within her a great power, a power he sought as his birthright, a power long stolen by the Uzumaki from the Uchiha. At the same time, at a more personal note, she was precious to Taisune.

While not romantically, she was his steadfast friend and ally. At the same time, she was a remnant of the most precious thing to him.

Of course, he had a perfect plan to destroy him this time. For now, ever since the age of 9 when he possessed the boys body, he had absorbed all of his Jutsu arsenal, and combined it with his own, including Susanno. With that power, and his little 'hack' on the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path that housed the Tailed Beasts restrained by the Akatsuki, Susanno's chakra strain would be lessened, allowing for its longer use.

And once those fools obtained even more of them, he would become unbeatable! After all, Uzumaki would never attempt the jutsu he used to destroy his servant the last time.

Speaking of which, he hoped she got back from her mission soon. He had a hard on, after all the thought of seeing the accursed villages all burn to the ground aroused him.

And even if he failed, the Rokubi would end up in the hands of the Akatsuki, which would benefit him just as well

Hokage's office, a few days later

After all the effort it took to get her fancy wine, that somehow got spoiled by salt water during the transfer, Tsunade had finally given up. Now in a somewhat bad mood, she and Danzo, to her annoyance, found themselves with Naruto, Tayuya, Hinata, Fu, Haku and Tenten.

"Alright, we have a S rank mission of up most severity, that if not handled could lead to a Fourth Shinobi World War" The gathered team was shocked.

"WHAT!" Tsunade stared off into the window.

"Recently, it appears as though an unnamed thief, or group of them, infiltrated both Kumogakure and Iwagakure, stealing the scroll of Kinjutsu, which is there version of the Scroll of Seals, from Iwa and five powerful swords from Kumo. Each side has small evidences pointing to one another, and if war erupts, we will be caught in the crossfire"

"Like hell we'd be, we're dead smack in between the both of them" Tayuya grumbled.

"Thus, we need to douse the flames of war immediately, before everyone is caught in the inferno" Danzo said poetically "Though, I may remind you that I was the one who got this information" a team of Root in each of the nearly waring villages hadn't gotten the change in orders; their messenger birds being shot down for bird hunting season and eaten by a larger bird on the two attempts at communication previous.

Tsunade glared at him "Gloat all you want, but we need to find whoever stole them and see them apprehended. I've already sent a message to Suna, as well as Taki, Kusa and Kiri, both have teams of ninja on the alert in case these items find there way there. We can't allow a fourth war to occur!"

"But still, we can't risk leaving a avenue for invasion should this fail. I have already sent several forces of Ninja to the likely invasion points, should they occur" Danzo commented. Tsunade had been forced to allow his input in the devising of the battle plans. After all, his Root had gathered a lot of intelligence, and he had a bit more strategy planning then hers, though she didn't leave the place defenseless, just in case he did have a scheme

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