He stared at me, "..." His eyes turned softer, "Grace," He called her name, "Her name was Grace?"

I nodded at him and he let out a soft smile.

Right, for him, for years he knew only Mael. His son whom he believed he never lost. Looking at Grace now might be challenging for him.

"I am tempted to get out of here," His pupils were shaking, "But I fear I won't get a second chance if I leave now."


"But at the same time, I am scared to face her too." He looked at me, "Does your sister hate me?"


I was taken aback by his question because I had no idea how to answer that.

I had a detailed conversation on this topic with her. She always mentioned that it was really hard staying with the Alma's but she never said anything about hating Dad.

'I don't know,' I told him, 'She never said anything.

He looked depressed at the moment, "I see," His facial expressions showed how disturbed he was and in the end, he chose to turn around, "It won't be good to meet her if she hates me." He began to leave and that pained me.

I thought about going after him but then stopped.

He was right. If Grace did hate him, then they shouldn't have met. But does she hate him? I looked at the entrance door and saw a figure coming our way.

If she hated him, she wouldn't have made the decision to come here, right?

Grace jogged up to the entrance and then waved at me as soon as she saw me. I waved back and glanced at Dad who was about to turn the corner

"Amara!" Grace's voice made Dad stop for a moment right at the corner and look back at us. I looked at my sister and then pointed at Dad subtly so that he wouldn't see what I did.

Grace's speed slowed down as she came near me. She frowned slightly when she noticed I was pointing at something and slowly moved her head to look at who I was pointing at.


She stopped the moment her eyes landed on Dad and her mouth got slightly agape.

There was an awkward silence in the lobby where the two of them stared at each other without saying anything while I looked between the two.

Dad was hesitating but she wasn't looking at him with a bad gaze. It didn't look like she was glaring or anything. On the contrary, she was as confused as Dad.

Maybe in her mind, she was hesitant since all her life Dad has called her Mael, and known her as his son, and so she's afraid that nothing may have changed.

I glanced at Dad and he spared me a look too, that's when I nodded at him and signed, 'Talk'

He gulped and looked back at his daughter, "Hey," He raised his hand to wave at her, "Hello Grace,"

I saw how Grace's eyes went wide and her skin stood up. It was like she almost couldn't believe he knew her for her, "Uh!" She panicked, unsure how to respond so I walked over to her and grabbed her hand.

I didn't need to say anything to her. She calmed down a little with my support and raised her spare hand to wave back at him, "Hi... Dad..." Her voice was soft but Dad heard her.

He smiled at her, it was a satisfactory smile. I guess with this he knew his daughters didn't hate him, then he nodded and walked away.

Grace gripped my hand tighter while she clenched the other one as she brought it down and placed it on her chest.

His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now