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After three long weeks apart, she was here. Probably more beautiful, than I remembered. Maybe it was the tan, her skin was darker, and her hair was on the contrary much lighter. She was taking pictures of her parents and Costin. She looked proud; they all did. Costin was as I nominated as an athlete of the year and there we are. Almost everyone from my team, wearing tux, smiling wryly, while people from tabloid ask for an interview. God, I hate it. I hate these motherfuckers, who are convince that because you are pro athlete, they know you. That it's okey when they publish all those bullshits about you, your career, and your life.  But still, you just stand here in that stupid tux, smile wryly and give them what they want.

„So Landon one last question, because all your girly fans wouldn't forgive me if I didn't ask. How is you love life? Is our captain taken, because the press was seeing you last couple weeks with a lot of girls, so did one of them won the heart of our heartless captain or didn't they?". I did what my PR team taught me. I laughed so I could get more time for my answer. And then I started shaking my head, taking more time to make up my mind. Because all I ever could think and all I ever could say was that only girl, who had ever had the heart of the heartless captain, how they are calling me since I remembered, is right there. My teammate's sister. The only girl I ever loved, but never said that to. But I fucked up. So I just answered; „No, nothing like this is happening, right now I'm focused to lead my team to the win the impending derby.". The reporter looked, like she was happy with my answer and that's why we are here, to please the press.

I looked around to find someone from my team. Jeremy and his girlfriend Nadia were sipping the prosecco, which was given to us at the entrance. I approach to them, I greeted Nadia with kiss on the cheek and Jeremy with our casual handshake. I tried my best to wait few more second before asking them, but I could; „Hey, ehm did you know that Clara is back?"  I was trying to say that with the greatest disinterest, but I doubted that it worked. „Yeah. Ehm, you know she was texting me, were discussing what to wear, when they come, when we come, just like this. But yeah, I did know." she was saying every word so carefully, like she was worrying about me falling apart right here. I guess she know why. I looked on Jere, and he was nodding. Okey. I thought for myself. They knew. Other guys from the team gradually join our little group. I wonder if they also knew that she is back, and that she is coming tonight, but my pride didn't allow me to ask. My eyes were bouncing from one of my teammates to other, carefully listening if I catch something about being confused about her being here. She was supposed to be in the south of France, where she went after the things got messy between us, after our breakup. No one seem to be any way surprise her showing here, with that long yellow dress, which were just highlighting her perfect body and uncovering her kissable chest.

„Hello, jerks. Hello Nadia, you look beautiful, still don't know what you are doing with our Jere, but hey if you change your mind the athlete of the year is to your services" Costin kissed Nadia on the cheek as he approached us. „First of all." Jeremy fucked Costin right in his face. „And second of all you were just nominated, you didn't even win yet asshole, so back off" Jeremy said with laugh. „At least I was nomited." Costin smirk at Nadia and then he elbowed Jere. These two were like this. Snipping, joking, and flirting with partner of the other. I guess it was some kind of brother language of them. Costin then approach to each of us and greed us. I gave him a nod when he came to me. My friendship with Costin was tense, since me and Clara broke up. We didn't talk about it, but it wasn't same. I could feel it, and so does everyone in the team. He begged me to stay away from her, cause he know me so fucking well. And I begged him back to let me be with her. So I gave him a promise, which everyone probably gives his best friend, when you start dating his sister. Just a simple promise, that you won't hurt her, that you will care her and that you won't break her heart. And I broke all all of this, so don't even know where I got the courage, when I asked him; „Didn't know that Clara is back, didn't know that she even coming here. Why didn't you tell something?". He frowned at me, with disbelieve in his eyes that I asked, that I had the nerve to ask and then he said; „Don't ask about my sister, don't even look at her and don't you dare to reach her toning. She is here tonight because she is my family as all of you are. I respect you as my captain, as my teammate but if I had to choose witch team I'm going to kick for, it's gonna be hers. So stay away from her, do you hear me?". He has every right to be pissed off, but still it offended me listening to him here, barking at me like she didn't mean anything to me. „Hey easy man" I said with lower voice because we didn't need more audience than we had, „I just want to know, how she is doing. That's it, tell me she is fine and I'm done, okey?". He knew in in the secret of his soul that I mean it. He had to, because he put his hand on my chest and took a deep breath; „She is more than fine, bro.".

I didn't know anything about her since that night. She blocked me on every single social media she has, and I don't blame her. If this was what she needed, I'm okey. It was just misery, still is but I guess you reap what you sow...

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