Nine nodded. He used to be a security guard at the facility. Most of his shifts were in front of Nine's room. She had called him Clay. For her first week at the facility, she was on lockdown because she tried to escape numerous times and refused to do anything and everything that they wanted her to do. Being locked in a padded cell at 4 years old was quite unpleasant, but he brought her food and snuck in some play dough so she wouldn't be too bored. She didn't know the difference between clay and play dough at the time, so she just called him Clay.

"Yeah, I remember him. Didn't he resign 7 years ago?"

"Yes, but only recently has he started to cause us some trouble. He is threatening to go public and expose sensitive information, as well as where this facility is and what we do here, but will stay quiet when paid the right price." Viv rubbed her temples in irritation and continued, "We caught sight of him in South Africa. Cape Town, to be specific. He is now a local carpenter. Married with three children. We also picked up that he usually goes to a strip club a few blocks from his shop every Thursday around 16:00. It's called Maverick's."

"Well, that was unexpected," Nine said humorously.

"Indeed. You have a flight in 4 hours. Expect this mission to last a week. Before you kill him, we need to know who he is in contact with. I want names, photos, everything. This will be presented to the council. You will wait for the green light before you terminate him. Do you understand?" Viv asked in a serious tone.

"Yes, Ma'am."

She nods, then stands up, pushing her chair in."Be ready in a hour. I'll meet you here." The moment she finishes her sentence, she walks out of the room.

Most of the time, it wasn't necessary for Nine to pack anything because everything she needed was already where she would be stationed. They call it her package. It sounds more like a present than her clothes, guns, knives, and other necessities.

Viv knows that Nine likes to be thoroughly prepared for every case, so she gives her some time to do her own research. She was more than excited about this case because she hasn't had a council request in quite a while.

The only con about killing ex-employees is that everything she wants to know is right here, in the archives. It's a con because it's easy, and Nine doesn't like easy things.


On the way to the airport, Viv filled Nine in on a few necessary things. "You'll be staying at The Capital, in Cape Point. There is a car at your disposal in the private parking lot, and you will find the keys in your room along with your package."

"The usual?"

She confirmed, "The usual. You have three days to find out who he is communicating with, and on Thursday, you terminate him. It's a kill on site, and for the love of God, keep it clean and quick. We don't need local authorities intervening."

The car stopped by the drop-off zone, and they got out.

"Here is your new passport, ID, driver's license, phone, wallet, and plane ticket. Don't make a commotion. Make me proud." She stated it firmly, bringing Nine's head closer and kissing her forehead. She did it on Nines's first case and still does it now, every time before she leaves. Almost like her lucky charm.


That plane ride was horrible. Nine thought that she could at least score a few hours of sleep, but thanks to turbulence, all she got is a fucking headache, fantastic.

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