“Well at least he didn’t kill you on sight but I don’t know why he hasn’t let you out unless he fears you are a threat.” I said looking at the guys behind him who were just watching us quietly.

“No we told him we wouldn’t mess with any of you again but he said he would see. We didn’t know Jace was going after you for revenge or none of us would of joined him. He came to us talking about witches and vampires coming together to wipe out the werewolves because they felt we were a threat and thought we were going to try and take over this world. But I swear Morgan we never meant to hurt anyone. Most of us didn’t really, just watched but we thought if the witches were trying to kill us we wouldn’t stop Jace. I’m sorry about what happened to your friends and wish I knew the truth before” Wes looked down at his hands that were gripping the bars so tight his knuckles were turning white.

“How did Jace find out where my parents lived” I asked wondering how he went from not knowing to actually kidnapping them.

“That vampire, Devon, she called Jace and told him”

“What about the other wolves that stayed with Jace did Alec bring them here?”

“Yeah they are locked up father down the way. They however don’t feel the same as we do and think all the witches should be killed. Most of them Alec has already sentenced to death but some he hasn’t decided about yet. Not really sure what he is waiting for. But I will do whatever you want if you get us out of here” Wes was pleading with me and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. He looked so young and I knew he meant what he said. But it wasn’t my place to make that decision but I know who is.

“I will talk to Alec and get him to let you go, but keep in mind I am strong enough to kill you myself I just don’t like the idea of killing. So if you are lying to me in any way and try anything I won’t hesitate to kill you” I stated making him nod quickly.

“Hang in there and I’ll see what I can do” I said turning to walk away.

Nobody said anything to me but they all watched me as I went back upstairs rather quickly because those people were scaring the hell out of me. I walked up the stairs heading for my room thinking about what Wes said. Alec locked them all up but didn’t go back to let the out. Maybe he wasn’t planning on letting them out. As I was walking down the hall an ear piercing scream echoed the whole palace and I grinned like a madman. Ace, Max, Davis, Collin, Alec and a few other guys I didn’t know showed up in the hallway where I was standing and I wondered where they all came from. They were standing there looking around trying to figure out who screamed. I was giggling like a fool when they all looked at me confused.

“MORGAN LEE STONE” Jules screamed. My eyes went wide when I saw her storming down the hall.

“RUN” I screamed and turned running down the hall away from everyone when Jules popped up in front of me.

“AAAAHHH” I screamed and turned to see all the guys trying not to laugh even Alec was trying not to laugh and I threw myself at him as he caught me with ease.

“What did you do” Alec asked with a chuckle.

“MORGAN YOU’RE DEAD MEAT” Jules screamed just as she tackled me and Alec to the ground. We were rolling around on the floor and every time I saw her I would start laughing making her even more pissed. Finally Collin grabbed Jules pulling her off me laughing until Jules shot him a look to kill. He quickly shut up but I was still rolling on the floor laughing so hard it was making my sides hurt.

“You did that” Alec asked pointing toward Jules hair. I laughed and nodded unable to speak. One thing my sister hates more than the color hot pink is people messing with her hair.

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