~06~ Magic Lessons

Start from the beginning

"We thought she was with you," Jade said.

"This, right here, is why no one's allowed above ground, ever."

"Relax. She's probably just frolicking in a meadow somewhere nearby," Kit joked.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot you're hilarious," Willow said. "You're also being awfully cavalier with the fate of the world, Princess. Now think about this for a moment. Everyone you've ever cared about will be made to serve the power behind the Crone, and their only hope of escaping that nightmare is now wondering around in the woods!"

"Stay in pairs," Silas told them. "Let's spread out."

"Where a you going?" Kit asked as Jade went to join the others.

"To look for her. But just do what you want. You always do."

Kit sighed and turned around, ready to ride off alone.

"Wait, I'll come with you," Verania said as she got on her horse.

"Why?" Kit asked. "Don't you want to help looking for the Chosen One, too?"

"I don't think I'd be much of a help, there are enough people looking for her. Besides, we shouldn't all seperate," Verania rode up next to Kit.

They went for a few minutes in silence before Verania spoke up again. "Why do you hate her so much?"

"I don't hate her," Kit denied. Verania looked at her with raised eyebrows. "I don't," she said again. "I just, she's annoying and a complication on our quest. She's here for Airk, but I know my brother, he doesn't love her. And now she might also be Elora Danan."

Verania wanted to ask if Kit was jealous but bit it back, not wanting to upset the princess any more.

"What about you? Do you believe Dove is Elora Danan?"

"It's certainly not impossible. I don't really care if she actually is Elora or not though. It would be helpful if she was, I mean she could save the world, but eve if she's not, it's not my business. I feel rather sorry for her. All she wanted was to go save the man she's in love with (wether he loves her back or not), and now she's supposed to be the most important girl in the world and save us all. It's a great responsibility."

"Yeah, poor Elora Danan," Kit snorted.

"I'm just saying, all this wasn't her decision," Verania reasoned. "Whatever, let's change the subject. I noticed you and my brother made up."

Kit was silent for a second but decided to play into the change of subject. "More or less, yeah. I'm sorry about Yan by the way."

Verania got off the horse to walk for a bit. Her butt and legs hurt like hell. Kit did the same.

"Uh, thanks, I guess... Can't say I knew him well, and I definetly didn't like him, but he was not as bad as I always thought he was," Verania said. She hadn't had any time to grieve her loss, but she wasn't sure if she was even ready for that yet.
"I know I shouldn't blame myself, but how can I not? It's in our nature to try and find someone to blame, we're just human after all. There are those who blame others, and then there are those who blame themselves." Verania paused. "I guess I am one of the second kind."

"Although I won't ever admit that to anyone else, I'm probably one of the first kind," Kit said.

Verania smiled at her. "That's fine, the world needs the selfish and the selfless."

"Are you saying I'm selfish?"

"Well, you're definitely not selfless, so-"

"Oh, shut up," Kit laughed and Verania was glad she understood her sarcastic humour.

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