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-Akita's Pov-

After I got down with cleaning up Jacobs big ass mess

I let him know that it was done, I got in my car

I seen that I was needed by some friends of mine

And yeah I know the assassin world is pretty fucked up but I still made some friends bc you only live once, why not make friends


I got to the meet up spot and there they were Dixie Sj and Charli D'Amelio

They are sister Dixie is the oldest them there is Sj leaving Charli the baby

They are all assassins and they do a pretty good job

I looked around and Charli is crying and I was confused

Ak-why are you crying?

I say concerned running towards her hugging her

She backed away from me and I felt a little offended

Ak-what the hell?

Dixie-she got an mission-

Ak-thats a good thing why are all of you looking like that

I say cutting dixie off looking at of them confused

The next thing I know charli pulled a gun out on me and i held my hand up


Charli-my mission is to assassinate you and my mom!

This assassin life really is fucked up...my heart broke for her...

Ak-I take it you killed her?

Charli-I had no choice!

She says holding the gun with both of her hands while tears are streaming down her face

Ak-do it

Charli-are you fucking crazy! I can't!

Ak-you were able to kill someone who raised you and loved you...

Charli-she pulled the trigger! I didn't! She told me it's okay!! SHE TOLD ME THAT SHE WOULDNT BLAME ME!

She says as tears goes down her face screaming with fear in her eyes

Ak-so what you're not going to kill me

Charli-I CANT!...I won't-

Dixie-you know what's going to happen if you dont.


Charli-SHUT UP! This is my decision and I choose not to do it...I love you to much

The next thing I know two big ass vans pulled up and a girl came out she was wearing leather clothes holding a m16 rifle

Th masked men surrounded charli pushing her down on her knees

I ran to her but I was kicked in the stomach causing me to fly back

?-stand down please...don't be an idiot

The girl said as she walked over to charli pointing her gun at her Dixie then shouted causing her to turn to us


Dixie-pls that's my-


Her body dropped down her body went limp...she is gone now

Dixie and Sj started crying looking at her body stiffens up shocked with fear and worry



She says shouting at me with hurt in her eyes

Sj-This is your fault! If you would've just died, I would've still had my younger sister!

Ak-thats not on me! I told her to do it!

Dixie-you shouldve just did what our mom did...charli could've been here with us

Are they fucking serious?! After everything I did for them.

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