From Struggle to Redemption

Start from the beginning


 fueled by all the pain she had endured,

 slapped you.

 It stung not just physically but emotionally. 

In the heat of the moment,

 she said something she had long wanted to express,

 "You're somebody that I used to know."

Your eyes widened in disbelief as her words sank in.

 You tried to brush it off, 

thinking she was joking, 

but Sana was dead serious. 

She had carried the weight of your indifference for far too long, 

and now she needed to break free from it.

With a heavy heart, 

Sana left you standing alone on the rooftop, 

tears streaming down her face. 

She walked away, 

determined to heal and find the happiness and love she deserved,

 leaving you to ponder the consequences of your actions and the pain you had caused. 

In that moment, 

you realized the depth of your own shortcomings and the true cost of taking someone's love for granted.

Several years passed since that fateful rooftop encounter with Sana.

 Time had worked its magic,

 transforming you into a more mature and introspective individual. 

You had learned from your past mistakes and grown in ways you never thought possible. 


a chance encounter was about to set the stage for a long-overdue apology.

Life had taken you on different paths, 

but destiny had a way of weaving its threads. 

One day, 

you found yourself in a crowded café, 

engrossed in a book when your eyes met a familiar face across the room.

 It was Sana, 

looking as radiant as ever, 

but there was a sense of grace and resilience about her that had only deepened with time.

Your heart skipped a beat, 

and you couldn't ignore the opportunity that lay before you.

 With a newfound determination, 

you decided it was time to make amends for the pain you had caused in the past. 

You closed your book and walked over to her table,

 nervously clearing your throat.


you began, 

"I hope you're doing well."

She looked up, 

surprised but not dismissive. 

"Oh, it's you," 

she replied, 

her tone guarded.

You took a deep breath, 

the weight of your words heavy on your chest. 

Sana x Neutral Reader (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now