Chapter 4: Keep secrets, Hide reasons, Never be vulnerable

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Here is chapter 4! This fanfic is already growing so fast! 🥳 Hope you enjoy! K.J.S

    Erik paused at the question, Why do you do this? He didn't even know the full answer. He always assumed he did it for power, being the ghost gave him the most control he ever had over anything in his miserable life. He never got control in his childhood, or at the circus, or in anything! Even in Persia when he had so much power, He never had control over it or anything. In Persia he was just a puppet for the Shah, even with such a fancy job and title..Just used to preform tricks and kill off people those in power disliked.

Everything he did the Shah knew, which meant that he never truly had freedom. Back in his earlier childhood he never had such freedom, being watched and restricted by his mother, then eventually the circus ringmaster. He always had someone with power over him, to do their bidding, and normally they weren't very kind in getting what they wanted.

This did bring another point to said question. All his life he was never treated as a human most of the time, hated by many, harmed by more. He was never treated with something as beautiful as kindness with very few exceptions.

Then why was he ok with being seen as a ghost? It's not like he was being treated as a human being either way. Perhaps it was just the ghost facade got people to leave him alone and not harm him? Was it because he thought of himself not worthy of being treated as a person? Even then was his twisted form even something to be considered as human? A face as monstrous as his? A temper of fire? The people he had killed would definitely disagree if he was human or not!

He assumed the first one would be an easier answer. He didn't want to open up to a ghost he had just met and did not trust. If he did, she could manipulate him, like everyone else. He couldn't risk getting hurt again, mentally or physically. He didn't know what this, Kylette was capable of.

"It gets people to leave me alone..." says Erik a few moments later. His voice quiet as the blunt partial lie rolled from his tongue.

Kylette looked up at him again at his sudden response. It made sense sure, it would get him privacy, but even then why would stop him from getting privacy the normal way? The way of just living your life and not being famous? Perhaps his deformity prevented that? But the question of if he was even deformed remains. If he wasn't why would he wear the mask? To make him unidentifiable from his crimes? Or is it just for the sole purpose of intrigue and mystery?

She knew she couldn't just keep her mouth shut and have an array ment of important questions, so she asked him. "Why do you wear the mask?"

Erik paused, "because WHY DO YOU CARE?" He snapped. Kylette looked at him confused and on slight shock. Why did he snap so quickly? How sensitive is this topic? She wondered staying silent. Erik stayed quiet, touching his mask before removing his hand quickly. Erik sighed "because I am deformed" he eventually said after a few minutes. Well THERE WAS A GOOD ANSWER FINALLY! Kylette thought to herself in mild annoyance.

Kylette nodded, that made sense and meant part of the legend was true, he was deformed. Now she could hopefully get more information on the mysterious "ghost". She paused deciding to poke further into what he does, and what is true and not true about the legend of the opera ghost.

    "Do you actually send letters to the managers?" Kylette continued.

Erik sighed, she really wanted to know everything about him being an opera ghost! It was like he was some celebrity getting bombarded with questions from a crazed fan! Except this, girl was more of an opera ghost then he was, literally! "That is none of your concern" he said gruffly.

"And why not?" Kylette asked, a tone of joyous banter in her voice.

"You don't need to know anything about me! And I won't tell you anything!" He hissed getting aggravated at such a peculiar specimen. He stood up and turned back to the mirror, turning to leave.

"Fine." She said "I guess a bit of helpful background information is too much for you" she smirked disappearing into thin air, the only sign of her left was the cold aura around her.

Erik watched her disappear, he was left with a sense of unease. Why did she want to know so much about him? Was it just background information? Was she trying to hurt him? Why would she? She barely knew him?! He sighed climbing through the mirror, trying to escape the situation.

If he thought he was just going to get away without giving me answers he had another thing coming. Her form faded from the visible eye, turning into just a chill on the stale wind.

The narrow passageways brought him some comfort. With their hidden booby traps, and their overall darkness, secluding himself to not get hurt by anyone. He had grown to love them, even with the macabre undertone nonetheless. He walked through them, he had made them himself. Every detail, every trap, every brick that had been laid was laid by him... He stayed cautious of where he stepped to not set off anything. He had this beautiful, dark, disturbing, labyrinth of darkness and shadows memorized by heart. He knew he was a monster who deserved to be no where except the darkness he called home.

With a few tight turns he eventually made it back to his lair, his paradise. Then as he came across the boat, docked right where he left it a sharp, unnatural chill went down his spine.

Another chapter done! Thanks for reading 😄 K.J.S

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