Aren't You Forgetting Something? - Science Bros

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Summary: Match Maker pt 2, sorry it's so short, I'm working on some longer ones, but wanted to give you guys something.

You're sitting at the counter, eating breakfast with Bruce, having a nice, casual conversation when Tony comes running in.

"Good morning, Bruce. Oh, hey, Y/n. Sorry don't have time to chat, I'm gonna be late for an important meeting," he says, all in a rush, barely glancing at either of you. He grabs the toast out of the toaster. Your toast.

"Hey mister, that's my breakfast," you say, indignantly. 

"Sorry Y/n/n, I don't have time to wait for another one"

"Whatever" you grumble, not really angry, "Have fun at your meeting."

"You know I won't," he says, with a dry laugh, "Bye, Babe." 

"Woah, Woah, aren't you forgetting something?" Bruce asks.

"Huh? Oh, right. Sorry," he runs back over to Bruce and gives him a quick kiss. Bruce blushes, and then opens his hand.

"Thanks, but I was talking about your keys."

"O-oh right, thanks," Tony mumbles, clearly a little embarrassed. He runs out the door then, obviously in a hurry to get away from the situation. You laugh. 

Bruce looks at you, "What?"

"Nothing," You giggle, "I just knew you were perfect for each other"

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