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Look guy's, I'm scared and i don't know what to do. I would love to talk to someone about my problems. I know for a fact that on friday my Grandparents is gonna start agruing again.

It get's like that when my grandma leaves for the weekend and e and my sister has to listen to it all.

Like i tried to tell the rest of my family, no one has to see and hear it. Of course they don't have to be involved and ask question. Pressure to answer them. It like they want us to side with one of them.

I love them both, i really do. But my grandpa ain't suppose to get mad cause of his cancer...

Sometimes i feel like screaming and crying... But i can't when my sister and my beautiful dog has to hear it...

I just don't know what to do anymore... it alway's the same thing with them...

My Grandpa telling my Grandma to packed her stuff and leave... If i don't text later or post anything.. i still hope i won't be upset... I guess god don't want to see us happy and lovng eachother.

The only time we can get along is around the holiday's, we all smiling and laughing. Why can't we be like that everyday... but no...

I-i'm sorry i had to tell you guy's but all my friend's are probaliy sleeping or something.... I sorry for bothering all of you..

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