The Fear of Death

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     I had been walking through the woods when a sudden storm blew into the area. Thunder and lightning were all around and I had to seek some kind of shelter. I found a huge tree that was viciously blown over had plenty of room underneath. I decided to seek shelter underneath just until the storm had passed. Unfortunately, the storm continued to worsen.

     I thought to myself, “what if this storm doesn’t subside? How would I get home?”

    Suddenly an angry streak of lightning struck a tree and it collapsed in front of me. As it fell I tried to get away in time. But when I went to move, I realized that my leg was pinned underneath the fallen tree.

     I screamed in pain and tried hard to pull my leg free. “Help! Someone please help me!” 

    The pain made me realize I  was making it worse. I screamed for help again, but it felt as though the wind carried my screams away.

     “Help! Anybody!?” My screams were indeed in vain.

     The rain had made me soaking wet. I remembered I had packed a rain jacket just in case. When I reached for my pack where I had left it, the pack was gone. I thought to myself that in my scramble it must have come off. Out of the corner of my eye, there it was in another spot.

     I reached for it and with luck it was within my grasp. I opened it and put the rain jacket over my head to keep me warm. I knew that it must have been around eight o’clock because it was getting really dark. I rummaged through my pack for a flashlight. Luckily my friend had packed one the night before.

     It was around nine o'clock that I had completely lost all feeling in my leg. I thought I was going to die right there in the woods and no one would have known. I suddenly realized talking like that only sealed my fate even more.

     The fear rose inside me, “I’m trapped here. No one knows I’m in the forest.”

    It was best to keep a positive mind and get rest. When I woke up I found that the storm hadn’t passed. It seemed like it had only gotten worse. I looked around with my flashlight as night had fallen while I was asleep. I found that half the forest was torn apart!

     “The air feels so cold now,” I had thought to myself.

     As it had come to night fall the air grew colder. It gave me the chills. To make matters worse, I was in the worse pain I had experienced in my life and quite hungry. I started to think about what my mom-mom had told me.

     She said once, "It's alright, you will be fine. The best thing is to keep calm".

     I closed my eyes and forced my heart to stop racing and drifted back to sleep.

    I woke up and felt a little better. I wasn't as hungry, the air felt warmer, and the worry of my demise had subsided. The storm showed no signs of dissipating. It had become so wild I could no longer tell if it was night or day. My heart started racing faster and faster as the fear grew back into my eyes. 

     It seemed like I was the only one in this cruel fated nightmare I had been so violently tossed into. Scared out of my mind, I darted my head around hearing something that wasn’t the storm.

     Swallowing heard, I called out into the thick wall of rain, “Hello?” But to my fear and anguish there came no answer.

     Echoing from the dark shattered forest I heard a soft howl. I knew at that moment my life was going to end in the darkness.

     I saw in the dark hole in the trees, two evil gleaming eyes of a wolf. Slowly the wolf inched toward me and stopped just close enough to touch. I knew better than to try and touch and wild animal. I glanced for a split moment to see the beam of the flashlight flickering. As I looked up, staring me in the face with its bright yellow eyes was the wolf’s face.

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