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So Mun woke up to the bright sun through his window on his face. He slowly opened his eyes, even though he didn't want to. He got up and stretched his body a bit, doing a couple of push-ups on the ground.

Feeling cold, So Mun put on one of his sweatshirts from his wardrobe. It was black and had a simple ramen bowl in the center.

He rubbed his eyes with his sleeve, still feeling tired after last nights events. He smiled recalling the memory of the dance.

After he and Hana kissed, they got a free expensive whiskey bottle as a memory for them two as the other guests believed they were a real couple.

After talking about it in the car, both counters agreed they would talk about their relationship after they catch their current evil spirit. They didn't want to be caught up in too much at one time.

So Mun went out to the kitchen and saw Hana laying her body on the counter watching a video on her phone. She was wearing a plain black shirt with her hair slightly wet from showering.

He knocked on the wall. "Hey," He said, walking over to the fridge to get a soda. He opened it in one go, taking a sip as he went beside the older counter. "How'd you sleep?"

She turned off her phone to face him. "Good, I was just so exhausted I feel asleep immediately," Hana laughed at the memory, recalling how she almost fell asleep while brushing her teeth.

"Good thing Jangwoo got arrested, right?" So Mun asked her, looking at his own arms.

She hummed back, looking in the distance. "I enjoyed yesterday though,"

He went to go wash some dishes in the sink, grabbing the soap and putting it on the sponge and started scrubbing.

So Mun cocked his head to the side a little bit. Out of curiosity, he asked, "So, how long have you liked me for?"

Hana perked her head up to face the man, only to see his back was turned to her. She was considering whether or not to tell him the truth, but then made up her mind.

"Ever since we went to that soccer game," She fiddles with her hands.

He pauses what he's doing and thinks. His eyebrows are scrunched together. Why does that sound...

"The soccer game?" He repeats, washing the final dish to turn around and face her.

She nods, clearly not looking at him because she doesn't see his angered face. "Whenever you scored that goal. That sparked something in me for some reason."

Hana sighs, "That, was when I officially started liking you; No later, not earlier."

His fists crumble up with his arms right beside his sides. What?

She finally decides to look at him and only then sees his face. "So Mun? What's wrong? Why do you look so mad?"

He looks up to face her, and there's a scowl on his face. "You liked me ever since the soccer game?"

Hana starts feeling suspicious of him. Why is he acting this way? "Yeah, I just said that. Why?"

Trying to not yell, he says nonchalantly, "Your lying to me, aren't you?" He points his finger to her accusingly.

Hana starts getting scared. "What? What do you mean?

"You don't like me, do you? Because if your saying you've liked me ever since that time, that's obviously bullshit, atleast to me."

She raises her eyebrow at him, obviously confused by his statement. "I fucking agreed to being your fake girlfriend, and we even kissed last night!"

So Mun holds up his finger at her. "Okay, for one, you didn't agree, we were forced to. Two, we had to sell the act. I thought you actually meant the kiss. Did you not?"

Hana's patience was being tested too much. "I don't know what your fucking talking about! What do you mean 'You thought I meant the kiss'?? I kissed you for a reason!"

She continued, "I think you might be just judging me way too much, because I don't know where your getting this from-"

"WHAT ABOUT THE DAY YOU CALLED ME A LOVESICK PUPPY?!" He yells so loudly he swears he feels the building shake. He doesn't remember the last time he was this loud.

Hana's heart drops. He...knows.?

Then silence. The only thing you can hear is the clock and So Mun's heavy breathing. He watches her, seeing how her mouth is open, but no words are coming out.

It's quiet for a minute but then he speaks again. "I heard every part of your conversation with Ms. Chu that day. You said you were sick of my
annoying behavior and that you wish you could erase my feelings for you."

Her eyes look at the ground, then to his eyes, then back to the ground again.

"Do you want me to remind you just in case you forgot?" He takes a step towards her, but she takes a step back.

"So Mun-"

"I overheard another conversation too. With you, Ms. Chu, and Motak," Hana freezes at his words.

"You said you wanted to know why I was so cold and distant and broken over the past few months. Why I didn't play around as much as I used too. Why I grew up too fast.

Besides that I had to take my job as a counter seriously, it was because of you, Hana. You gave me a wake up call, and not in a good way. It was the type where you realize not everything will always make you happy and go the way you like; No matter how hard I tried, the same result would turn out in the end. I liked you alot, and I still do. Hearing those words from someone I respected so much hurt me in a different way. That's why I turned so distant. What's funny is that it's been two years yet i'm still pinning over you."

"Or if you want to put it in Ms. Chu's words, Dangerous."

He looks at Hana again to see that she's crying. A tear escapes her eye, not bothering to wipe it off her face. His heart still shatters, but his two emotions are playing tug of war right now.

Your the cause of this, dumbass.

Now realizing what he said, he bows his head as in a apology, and runs away from her.

I really am a lovesick puppy, huh?

Guess she was right all this time.


"So Mun! Hana! Get inside the car! We found the evil spirit again! This is our last chance!" Motak's voice is blasted through the air with the speaker on So Mun's phone.

Despite their argument earlier, both of them run to the counter's vehicle without any problems, ignoring what happened currently.

They jump in, and they barely have time to put on their seatbelts before Motak presses the pedal and starts driving.

"He's at an abandoned factory. He has backup, but it's the four of us, so we can do it. I believe in us."

So Mun glances over at the older woman, but decides to hand her a piece of mint as a piece offering.

He shakes her shoulder which makes her turn around to face him, and as she takes it she reads his eyes;

I'm so sorry.

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