"This is beautiful, Kruno, yeah." He said, and a smile grew over my cheeks.

"Thank you! I want you to keep that, okay? So you never forget me!" Kruno said as she leaned forward and hugged the blonde tightly. He hesitated for a moment, before he wrapped his arms around her, lightly,


This time when my body was thrown, I was standing outside of the house that I had called home for the past six years. Twelve year old Kruno was standing in front of all of the men and one woman she had lived with, her mask placed tightly on her face, but the mask didn't cover her lip which was quivering slightly.

"Do I have to go..?" She asked, and the Orange haired man nodded slightly, sighing.

"Yes, Kruno. You do." He said softly, which everyone would have found slightly odd if they all didn't have a strong connection with the little girl standing in front of them.

"Come here, pipsqueak." The leader said, opening his arms which she ran into. She hugged him tightly, before she looked up at the blue haired woman, who smiled down at her. Kruno hugged her tightly, and she hugged back, but didn't say anything.

I watched as Kruno moved to the blue man who taught her everything she needed to know about the village she would soon call home again. She whimpered slightly, but the man lifted her up off the ground and hugged her close.

"No crying, brat. We don't allow that here." He said, but I could see the tear form in his eyes. He sat her down and ruffled her hair slightly.

Next, she walked over to the raven haired boy. She hadn't known him for as long as the others, but he was the one who constantly gave her books to read. She moved forward and hugged him lightly, which he returned.

The next one she stood in front of was a man who had bright red hair, and wooden skin. He was looking down at her, his normal emotionless eyes staring down at her. But I knew that Kruno knew he was sad. She walked forward and hugged to man lightly, his wooden arms returned it very slowly.

She walked over to the blonde, who was biting down on his lip to keep the tears in. She hugged him tightly, and buried her face in his chest. He finally let a single tear fall and Kruno smiled sadly at him. The man standing beside him, a normally super energetic man was silence, and that scared even me. He walked forward, and hugged her tightly, so tightly that she had to struggle to breath.

The next one in the line was a man who was covered in stitches, who showed no emotions. But I watched as Kruno extended her hand to him, and they began to do their 'secret handshake.' The large man chuckled lightly down at the small girl who continued to smile sadly.

Second to last was a man who had a face of two different colors. One half was black, one half was white. His yellow orbs of eyes stared down at Kruno, and Kruno stared back up at him.

"Be safe, Brat." He said, and Kruno nodded.

"You know I will." She said, sighing heavily.

Lastly, she came to a white haired man whose hair was slicked back. He was starring down at her, a slight smirk on his lips.

"You better not forget about me, you mother fucking son of a bitch." He said, and Kruno laughed.

"As if I could, you cock sucking piece of shit." She replied, before running into his arms quickly. He hugged her tightly, and I watched Kruno take a step back and she looked at all of the members.

"I love all of you." She said quietly before turning on her heel.

"Kruno! Just remember our home will always be open for you!" A voice called out, and she nodded and continued to walk.

You are such a drag (A Shikamaru Nara Fan Fiction) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now