Brew, the Tempest (Part 2!!)

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You all looked at Death, but something was off about him. 

(Y/N): There's something different about him. 

Kid: That's my Dad back in his hardcore days. He looked like this before he founded the DWMA. 

(Y/N): What the hell is going on here? Let's head for that pyramid! 

You all ran off, but 5 mice watched. 


From outside, Eruka watched...

Eruka: Be careful, Mizunes. 

Sid ran off, moving from structure to structure. 

Sid: You gotta admit, being chased by a samurai is pretty thrilling. 

Then Mifune attacked him out of nowhere! 

Luckily, Sid went underground. 

Mifune: Sneaky bastard. 

He shot his swords into the ground. 

Mifune: Missed. 

Sid hid behind a structure while gripping onto Azusa tightly. 

Azusa: Are you alright, Sid? 

Sid: Yeah, just a scratch. Just one last push, and we'll be back at the rendezvous point with Naigus. 

Inside the Magnetic Field... 

Witch: It's Death! 

Witch 2: Our facility is finished! 

You all looked at the witches. 

Black Star: Why are witches here? HEY!! HELLO?! 

(Y/N): Hmm ... I don't think they can hear or see us. 

Kid: (Y/N) is right. They're blurred around the edges. 

Maka: You're right! 

Kid: Maybe it's this powerful magnetic field. It emerged as a result of the accident at the Demon Tool Development Facility. Somehow, it was able to imprint this whole area with a memory of the events that took place just before the accident. 

(Y/N): What happened here? I- AGH! 

Maka: (Y/N), what's- AGH! 

Black Star: What is it? 


You saw Arachne walking around. 

Arachnophobia Member: Lady Arachne, Mosquito, is waiting for you in the carriage. 

Arachne: What about Eibon's blueprints? 

Arachnophobia Member: We have them here. 

Arachne: Great. This is the perfect bait to lure in Death. All that remains is to destroy this facility as well as Brew. 

(Y/N): WHAT?! 

At Baba Yaga Castle... 

Arachnophobia Agent: Lady Arachne, the race for Brew could go either way; the tactical situation on the ground is highly volatile. 

He poured her a glass of wine. 

Arachne: I don't care what you have to do. I just want Brew. It's special, and very different from Eibon's other creations. Everything about Eibon is packed within it. You could even say it is Eibon. The best way to keep Brew hidden from Death's prying eyes for 800 years was to destroy the entire facility and wipe it off the face of the earth. But Bew was Eibon's masterpiece. There was no way that a little explosion like that could destroy it. Now, after 800 years, Brew won't be falling into the hands of either the witches or DWMA. 

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