13: Just More Trouble...

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"Well that doesn't matter. It's not our decision. If they are that concerned they can take it up to the head master. Can't they, princess?" Lesso asked walking over to the other dean, who was now covering her face with her hands. Lesso stood up from her chair slowly. She rested her walking stick on the desk as she walked towards the overwhelmed Professor. She came behind Dovey and... hugged her. Dovey melted into the hug as if she really needed it. She lent back on Lesso and Ana couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable. The two deans stood there for what felt like too long in Ana's head before one of them decided to speak again.

"Yes I suppose," Dovey admitted "Ana has letters from her parents you know,"

"Nevers aren't allowed to have contact with family outside of the school. You know the rules," Lesso's face dropped as she spoke

"It's one letter," Dovey looked up at the other dean who towered over her. "Ok fine four letters. Oh come on really?" Dovey's head stayed up as Lesso's face said it all. The fairy godmothers head came down and even though Ana couldn't see the other Dean's face she knew she had gotten the answer of no. "I guess I was right to follow the headmasters advice. He told to bring you to their castle, you know. He said it was a 'helping hand'," The Professor turned to look at Lady Lesso as they held hands.

Headmaster? I thought the headmaster of this school was dead? Clearly not Ana thought as she continued to listen in on the conversation.

"I mean I did give you a helping hand," Lesso said before winking and smirking weirdly. Ana didn't get it. It was as if they shared a joke between them two. They both laughed before Dovey snapped back by playfully hitting Lesso.

"Oh stop it. You know we are on duty," Dovey laughed but tried to be serious. She broke from holding Lesso's hands and she made distance between them as she stabilised herself with one hand on the desk. "What if someone were to see? Or even hear?"

Someone were to see what? Ana thought this cloak is really in the way she thought moving it aside yet it made a sound. The Charming girl's eyes widened as she realised what she'd done. Her hiding spot was no longer a secret to the deans...

"Well, that's not what you said la-," Lesso began as she advanced towards Dovey yet stopped. She stopped as she heard that noise. The noise from the wardrobe. Both of the Deans turned to the wardrobe. They exchanged looks before approaching the wooden thing.

You know, Ana wasn't really scared to start off with. She knew she was scared when Lesso's walking stick turned into a full ass sword. Sunlight hit the sword in the most beautiful way, making it shimmer brightly. Ana's breathing stopped entirely after that as she realised she was completely fucked. She had no where to go, She was trapped.

Let's hope a trip to the doom room isn't in the cards Ana pleaded as she stayed deadly still.

The deans approached quietly. Lesso gestured for Dovey to open the door. Dovey grabbed the handle and pulled it quickly as Lesso raised her sword.

"NOOOO PLEASE DONT KILL ME!" Ana screamed shielding herself as best as she can as the door opened "I swear it's just me,"

"Anastasia. What are you doing here?" Lesso asked with a sour look on her face. She was pointing the tip of her sword towards her student with rage painted all over her face.

"Could ask you the same thing. Thought you were meant to be the dean of Evil?" Ana said still scared but still giving Lesso a piece of her mind. Or at least trying to, wasn't going very well. She has a fucking sword of course she's freaking out. She almost had her head cut off. "Ok ok sorry,"

"Have you been in here all this time?" Dovey asked adjusting her dress and trying to hide her rosy face. She smiled through it but it was obvious her face was bright red.

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