Missing.(Nino's POV)

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In the quiet solitude of his room, Nino Lahiffe sat alone, his heart heavy with sorrow. The laughter and camaraderie that had once filled his life had given way to an overwhelming sadness. Ever since Adrien Agreste had mysteriously disappeared, Nino's world had become a dim and lonely place.

It had all started with the unexpected intervention of Adrien's father, Gabriel Agreste. The man, who had once been revered as a fashion icon, had forced Adrien to make a heartbreaking choice – to break up with Nino and enter into a relationship with Kagami Tsurugi.

Nino's heart had shattered that day, his tears flowing as Adrien explained that his father's wishes were non-negotiable. He watched as the person he had loved, the boy who had been his best friend and confidant, slip away into the arms of another.

Kagami Tsurugi, a skilled fencer and Adrien's new girlfriend, had become an inseparable part of Adrien's life, leaving Nino feeling like an outsider. He couldn't help but resent her, not for who she was, but for the role she had played in the separation from his dearest friend.

Months turned into a year, and Nino's anguish persisted. He had never stopped searching for Adrien, tirelessly combing through social media and visiting places they had frequented together. But there was no trace, no clue to Adrien's whereabouts.

Seeing Kagami and Felix Fathom together, now deeply in love, only served as a constant reminder of what Nino had lost. He envied their happiness, knowing that Adrien's heart now belonged to Kagami. And Felix, who had once been a close friend, had become something of a stranger.

One rainy evening, Nino found himself staring out of his window, tears mixing with the raindrops on the glass. His phone lay untouched beside him, devoid of any messages or calls from Adrien.

Nino's heart ached, not just for himself but for his missing boyfriend. He wished for Adrien's safety, for his happiness, even if it meant Adrien never returned to him. The uncertainty of it all was the most painful part, the not knowing if Adrien was safe and happy, or if he, too, was trapped in a world of heartache.

In his solitude, Nino continued to cry and grieve for the friendship he had lost, for the love that had been torn away from him. And as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, the pain remained a constant companion, a reminder of the enduring love and loss that had defined his life since Adrien Agreste had disappeared without a trace.

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