Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

There's this strong feeling where you're stressing out, for what seems like no reason, and you forget about most of it the day after.

That was called Overthinking.

Dream usually never overthinked about anything, but that unfortunate time when he got into a situation at age 11 of his parents splitting up and having to live with his mom,he overthinked a little too much.they lived comfortably, but Dream then figured out he had ADHD and he found it really hard to socialize with people and even face them, so he started wearing a mask that had a smile on it. His mother tried to help him alot of times, but non of her attempts worked.

Dream had four friends at highschool. Punz, Sapnap, George, and Karl.

He met Punz when he was 15 and when he went for a walk at literal midnight. Punz had left his bicycle in the park, so he was straight off to get it. Then he saw Dream, they talked, he figured Dream had ADHD and walked him home saying he should get some sleep. They met again at Maths class in highschool.

He met George when he was in middle school, 6th grade. Dream and George realized they had a lot in common, even though they were opposites in some sorts too. Dream and George got along pretty well and they studied together till highschool.

He met Sapnap in elementary school,they were supposed to play with play dough, but Dream and Sapnap were playing pokemon cards with eachother. They got detention together and talked more. The rest was history....

He met Karl, basically through Sapnap. Sapnap said he met a 'friend' and would talk about him alot. Dream loved how Karl was so oblivious that he didn't realize that Sapnap had a crush on him. They still weren't dating and Dream thought that didn't make any sense. He started talking to Karl more and More and became close friends.

One fateful day, His mother wasn't home and he was sat alone In his room, punching a wall, because he and Punz had a huge argument about how he wasn't sleeping at all. Dream knew he was just looking out for him, but his ADHD got the most of him. Punz was pretty chill and he rarely had arguments with his family or friends. This was the first time dream and punz had an argument that was not playful. Infact this one was  heated .

There he sat, punching holes in the Wall. Dream covered his face with his palms. He started holding back tears, even though he knew he was alone in the house and his Single mom wouldn't be home for a couple of days.

He held it in for a while, but when his throat started to hurt, he let it all out.

Why does Punz even care ?! Can't he leave me alone ?! If he did leave me alone, non of this would happen. Its not his fault that I Don't go to bed early !!

Dream dropped on his bed, crying his heart off. Tears streamed down his cheek,to the tip of his nose. His eyes were so heavy, but he just couldn't sleep. Then, he got a call. He turned to his phone that was near his night lamp. He picked it up and looked at the contact name


Accept                     Decline

Why was Karl calling him? I mean, they talked alot but didn't call eachother too much. Oh, he's probably gonna ask me what's wrong with me because he heard what punz and I had an argument about. Dream quickly declined the call. He didn't want to hear Karl being mad at him, neither did he want Karl's pity.
He got  a call again, this one was from George. He didn't hesitate before declining the call.

Karl 's pov  [Quick]

"He's not answering" George said,stressed out, being declined for the second time. "He's really pissed with me" Punz said, worried out of his mind for Dream. "Punz you were just looking out for him. We could always talk to him and sort things out tomorrow at school, or if he doesn't show up, we can go to his house. that's the only exception" Karl said,tensed , but trying to lighten the mood.

"I should've not stepped into his business. He probably hates me now-"

''Punz stop blaming yourself.!" Sapnap said, practically shouting. "Guys I'll try calling him too. Even if he doesn't answer its worth a try. I'm worried sick" Sapnap continued, taking his phone out.

The four of them were at Punz's House because he told them what happened. Sapnap's phone rang a few times, slowly but surely, Dream answered from the other end

Dream's pov

It was Sapnap now, Dream couldn't decline my best friend's call like he did to the others. He let it ring a few times as he tried to prepare my voice so that they wouldn't notice he cried for what felt like forever. Dream finally picked up the call. "Dream ! Are you okay ?! Karl and George is really worried about you and so am I and Punz !, Dream ?! Hello ....? DREAM !" Sapnap's voice echoed through Dream's silent room. "I'm alright. I-Is Punz okay ?.." Dream tried to speak normally, but his voice was shaking. "Punz is worried as hell. Here let me give it to him"

"Dream!!Are you okay ?! I am so fucking sorry. I understand if you're ma-" Punz was Interrupted by Dream speaking. The boys in both ends were in the verge of tears.

"I'm okay Punz. I'm not mad at you. Thank you for apologising."
Dream smiled in relief that he wasn't mad.

"I should be thanking you, but you're welcome. And do you wanna come over ? I mean one of us could pick you up-"
"I don't Punz. I'm very sleepy"
"Oh-Alright, bye then" Punz sounded broken, but Dream hung up without a word.

The part where he said he was okay wasn't true. Dream's ADHD was taking form so quickly. He felt bad for Punz and was mad at himself for not fixing the situation.
He then let his extremely heavy eyes shut, taking him into a deep slumber, Punz was right, he needed some sleep very badly.



Sapnap breathed a few times before staring at Dream. Behind Sapnap was Karl,  George and Punz whose eyes were red and puffy from crying.Karl was holding him and looked ferocious. George looked So dissatisfied. "We're not friends anymore Dream"

The next thing he knew, Sapnap was disappeared, Then George, Then Karl. All that was left was Punz.

"W-Why Dream?" Punz was crying, with his palms on his face.

"Punz I-I'm so sorry. I'll do anything to fix this-"

"You can't Dream. It's over" A voice said that was not Punz. It felt like it was from the sky, or the ground.

"You hurt your friends' feelings, and look at you, standing here, not knowing what to do. You should be ashamed"  The voice said. It was cold and echoing. It was a threat to Dream's ears. Punz was standing there, not hearing the voice, still crying, the he started fading away.

"PUNZ WAIT-" Punz disappeared before he could finish. Dream dropped his knees on the floor, reflecting on what he has caused.


Dream woke up, panting. It was another dream. A nightmare infact.

It was his worst nightmare losing his friends, the only ones that were there for him beside his mom.

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