Chapter 4

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We walked together through the town, pushing our way, here and there until we finally reached a pub named ' the jolly sailor bold'.

Seth walked confidently in and I followed, trying not to look alarmed.

The fighting going on in this pub was not good humoured like in Tortuga. It had a menacing air about it and I had to push past several drunks to get to the counter, where I ordered a rum.

The barman handed me a dusty bottle and Seth grabbed my hand (I felt it tingle) and pulled me to a wobbly table where a man sat hidden behind a newspaper.

Seth passed a rum to the man, who did not look around and then turned to me.

"So where are you from, Irina?"

I raised my eyebrows but Seth just grinned tauntingly and took a swig of rum.

"From the Pantano River. Its a couple of miles from here."

"Ahhh," said Seth, though he still had no idea where that was. "I see."

The man behind the paper cleared his throat loudly as though to be noticed and Seth jumped.

"Oh sorry. Dad this is Irina Dalma. I was trying to commandeer her boat and it sort of sank so this is an exchange. Irina, this is my dad."

The man lowered his paper with interested eyes.

"Dalma you say? Are you related to Tia Dalma, love?"

I nodded, took a sip of rum and said, "Yes she's my mother."

The man chocked on his rum, slopping half all over the table.

"Really?" he coughed.

He cast a glance at Seth, then at me.

"Oi, Seth! Gimme my hat boy." he knocked the hat off Seth's head, caught it in one hand and plonked it on. Then he flicked Seth's nose just as I let out a gasp of realisation.

"Your dad is Jack Sparrow?"

Jack frowned. "There should be a Captain in there somewhere."

"Oh my gosh! It is you!" I cried.

Jack looked around. "Yeah, I think so."

I sighed rapidly, breathing in and out. Jack looked at Seth, confused. Seth shrugged.

"Can I come with you?" I asked.

"With me where?"

"To wherever you're going."

Jack raised his eyebrows and said, "Why should I let you come?"

"Well, your son sunk my boat and I don't have anywhere to go."

Jack looked thoughtful for a moment then said, "Fine, we set sail at first light. Be ready."

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