Let's get started

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The last week of training went by faster than Raven could believe. Every day she enjoyed watching Tinkerbell and Vex's antics while training with each of them and Godric. She noticed that her techniques were fusing together, and she was getting more skilled in multiple weapons, especially the archer's bow and the war axe. It was thanks to Vex and Godric's training. From Tinkerbell she managed to learn a bit of magic. It wasn't like she was in full control of her abilities quite yet but dealing with her inferno was a lot like mastering magic because it required disciple and practice. She'd performed a fireball and healing flame so much, she started dreaming about setting the whole arena on fire.

The most memorable part of her day was, however, was the time she spent with Angelica at night. They spent most of the night talking and the rest of the night, she enjoyed the intimacy they shared. It was warm, fun and comforting but mostly it served as a needed distraction from the guilt she felt in her gut for abandoning Amara.

She knew that she couldn't go to war with teammates who she didn't trust and actively tried to kill her but she also needed to know what exactly happened to make them turn on her. She knew silver more than she knew most people in this place and the kind-hearted werewolf had always been gentle and helpful with her. Even Leech, despite his cold and Stoic resolve, she knew that she was a loveable people deep down. She knew that from watching the Irish dancer fawn over Aphrodite at every turn. She heard it in his voice when he spoke about his younger brother and how much he endured to keep his brother off the street and fed every night. That was not the tale of a heartless traitor.

Then there was Dagne. Dagne, she did not have to worry about. She was sure that no matter what, her sestra would always have her back. The Russian dragoness was devoted to their bond, and it was only she who the dragoness would be willing to fight for at the end of the day. The fact of the matter was that this war was the last thing any of them wanted but it was the only way that any of them could get home to the people they loved and came here to protect.

She was sitting on her bed in the room she shared with Angelica. She was doing the same thing she'd done every night since she received the note from Amara.

The orphan had probably read and reread the not half a million times by now.

I know right now that you feel betrayed by both the Dark and me. I want you to know that my allegiances haven't changed. You are and will always be my first priority. I know that you'll do the right thing.

- Amara

She thought about how affectionate Angelica was and how she always thought that Amara was different but, in many ways, Amara cared for her far deeper than her blonde-haired twin was capable of. But she also knew that Amara cared for her teammates, both Light and Dark. Over the last few days, she had vivid dreams, reliving all of her past lives with the twins and with the rest of the gang. In some lives she was best of friend with even Tinkerbell but over the years, she grew more and more jealous of Raven because no matter how hard she tried she couldn't get Angelica to return her affections. It was only in the last few respawns; she realised that Sabre was the real love of her life and the only person who could tolerate her nonsense.

That must be why she couldn't get over her angst this time. She wouldn't have killed Sabre is she knew the truth at the start of this. The rules as it stands meant that Sabre or anyone else who died this round would never get to see the light of day again. That was enough to break her heart, but she couldn't worry about that right now. She needed to focus on keeping Angelica and Amara safe. She couldn't help but think on Angelica's words about the fact that one of them, either Angelica or Amara, would die in order for one of the teams to win the tournament and end this hellscape.

She needed to think of a way to keep both of them safe. This wasn't about choosing anyone over the other but she would not allow the two people she cared abut most in the world to die on a battlefield that nobody should have been on in the first place.

She was deep in thought when Angelica entered the room.

"Hey, sexy, what are you thinking about so hard?" the platinum blonde girl said and skipped over to the bed, falling with a dramatic sigh and starfish arms.

Raven laughed at her antics. She wasn't sure how to refer to her because they weren't exactly dating and roommate seems a little bit disingenuous. Either way, the angel made her smile despite herself. She leaned over, taking off her shoes and using the opportunity to tuck the letter under the mattress, before lying back and snuggling into Angelica's arms.

The older girl rolled Raven over so that she was nestled into her neck. She craned her neck and kissed the dragoness's forehead. She took a moment to inhale her scent and savour the warmth that the girl in her arms was providing her. It was not a feeling that she was willing to give up. She never knew that she could love anyone as much as the person lying in her arms. It was slightly unnerving because it took her few years to even tolerate the orphans sudden appearance in their lives and the way Amara was instantly infatuated with her. Even their father took to the South African. She used to sit beside him at night while he played his favourite 18th century Spanish scores on the piano. Raven was the light of their home and it made some of the hardest years in their life some of the best. There was a part of her that just wanted to call the whole tournament off to save her life, but if that meant she would lose Raven, it wasn't an option. So, instead she kissed Raven's head once more and then snuggled against Raven more, rearranging them so they were securely under the covers.

Raven waited until she knew that Angelica was asleep before slipping out of bed and sneak out of the Light side corridor. She had to be extra vigilant when she passed the cafeteria and training room because between Vex's late night cravings and Godric unrelenting need to pump iron, she was at high risk of being spotted the closer she got to the linking corridor.

The Dark side didn't pose a threat. She knew they sleeping schedule and between the hours of 1 am and 2 am, she was both safe from late night training and early morning sex so she easily snuck past anyone and made it into Dagne's room undetected.

She managed to close the door and breath but no more before Dagne had her up against the door with a hand's worth of polished claws at her throat.

"What the hell are you doing her, sestra?" she whisper yelled, slapping Raven's arm before pulling her into a bone crushing hugs.

"I .... I can't breathhhhhe," Raven wheezed out as she tried to push Dagne's body away and escape the clutches of love, death and overzealous affections. "I needed to see you, sestra," Raven said with a cough in between words and a bright smiles. She missed Dagne so much and she needed to see her at least once before the death games began.

"I ... I don't care. I'm just so happy that you're here! Does this mean that you're back. Are you rejoining the Dark?" Dagne asked in rapid succession.

Raven looked into the crystal eyes of her best friend and gave her a watery smile while returning her hug with slightly less tight grip. She didn't respond to the question but that was enough for Dagne to put two and two together.

She opened up her hand once they broke the hug and offered it to Dagne. The Russian dragoness regarded the paper with a curious expression.

Dagne skimmed the note the and looked up at her best friend with wide eyes.

"she wrote this?" Dagne asked. Raven nod her head.

"Are you going to speak to her?" Raven nodded her head and tucked the note back into her pants. Raven turned to leave.

"Wait... I don't' mean now," Dagne rushed out.

"I just needed to see you before tomorrow," Raven said and bit her lip fighting back the tears in her eyes. "If everything else goes our way, we're getting out tomorrow and this is the last time we'll see each other."

Dagne swallowed thickly and pulled Raven back into a tight hug. 

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