What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

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The energy on both the Dark and Light side were exponentially different compared to before they found out the truth. Everyone was in their own flow state of focus and deliberate effort as they rehearsed and honed their fighting moves. Even Leech was leaving his more reserved and philosophical fighting style for a more physical spear-based training regime.

Amara had had a millennia to train for this tournament, so she was more than confident in her ability to kill anyone who crossed her path. That being said, she didn't not relish in the idea that so many of her friends would fall on the battlefield in just a few weeks. She didn't not relish in the idea that not only would Raven have to experience the horror's of war once more but that she would remember every drop of blood that she shed on that field. The only solace that she got was that Raven would not be fight her this time around but instead it was her sister's head that she was after. Thankfully as long as one twin was alive, both had the ability to respawn. So, she would be the one ensuring her sister's survival.

Raven paired herself with Aphrodite this time. She was starting to remember her previous lives and could sus out the older girl's moves. Still, she was using the ebony beauty as a proxy to train against the bewitching skillset of Tinkerbell, who was renowned for her ability to make you second guess yourself on the battlefield. That was the Dark's strategy. Fight the individuals of the Light to ensure that you defeat the team as a whole. In a perfect world, she'd walk up to Angelica and offer her neck without muss or fuss, given that, it would all but ensure the damnation of her entire team.

Aphrodite was amused at how hard Raven was trying to predict her next move but also impressed. She tried her best to outwit her, but with every move the succubus made, the dragoness moved in preparation. She dodged and rolled and jumped precisely when she needed to, and before either of them knew it, Aphrodite was on her back.

"Getting better, sexy. I think you might live through this," Aphrodite said, wiping her forehead from the sweat that formed during their sparing match. She was actually tired from their workout, but considering what they learned about this tournament. And the fact that their resurrection was no longer guaranteed, nobody was prepared to sleep until they knew for sure that they'd live to see their loved ones again.

"Who's next?" Raven exclaimed, holding her side from the knock she'd taken from Aphrodite's boot during their fight. Steel-tipped boots are definitely her unfair advantage in this game. Still, honestly, they needed to do something to tap into her raw manipulative capabilities because there were a few times during their fight when she managed to throw Raven off her game a few times.

"I know you're excited to finally not be a punching bag, but maybe take it easy, sestra," Dagne warned her friend.

"Yes, I agree with your dragon gal pal there. You might want to reserve your strength before taking on one of us again," Leech warned; he was checking his girlfriend for any wounds. Surprisingly, Raven had managed to cause a few bumps and bruises on the succubus. Despite it being his girlfriend who was injured, he couldn't hide how impressed he was in the dramatic improvement from the girl who failed to perform the simplest pirouette under his tutelage.

"If you're so sure of your fighting capabilities, why don't you take on the big bad wolf himself," Viper called out and pushed his sparring partner towards the South African dragoness.

Raven rolled her eyes. Sure, she'd seen Silver fight before, and he made one hell of a spotting partner in the gym, but he wasn't a killer, so she wasn't too worried about him.

"Come on, scared?" Viper taunted.

Silver turned around and glared at him.

"It's okay, Ash. We don't have to do this," he spoke softly with a kind smile on his face.

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