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There was a time in Raven's life when she would have killed to be torn between two goddesses who were both vying for her attention. They were in charge of persuading her to join their respective teams.

The prospect of their persuasion strategies involving less than moral methods was undeniably titillating for the teenage orphan. That only lasts for a moment though. A moment too long. Raven forced herself to remember that she was a taken woman. She had Sage. Sage. The love of her life and keeper of her heart for the last 3 years. Sage, the girl who was the only motivation for her escape from this strange and scary place. She was still a red-blooded lesbian. Could she truly be blamed for a momentary lapse in judgement?

Lucifer around and left through the same doors that they entered through. Unlike Angelica, she didn't seem to be using seduction as her tool of persuasion. Raven almost felt disappointed. Before the stoic brunette was completely out of earshot, she looked at Raven.

"Are you coming?" Her tone was as hushed and cold as ever.

"Where are you taking me?" the hazel-eyed orphan asked her confusing roommate.

"Who said I'm taking you anywhere?" She replied in a dry tone.

"I thought you were supposed to convince me to join your team or is the dark side not big on recruiting new members?" Raven asked.

Wasn't she supposed to be wooing me or listing reasons as to why her team was the preferable choice? What was her plan? Play hard to get until I beg for black pompoms to become the new cheerleader for the Dark? Fat chance of that happening!

"Join the Dark. Don't join the Dark. It would appear that the decision is yours to make. Do not burden me with your problems. I merely wish for you to leave this room, it's lunchtime. Unless you wish to starve - again, it's none of my concern." With that, she left and made her way back to the cafeteria.

Lucifer remained silent the entire way back to the cafeteria. Raven trailed behind her gloomy roommate. The leather-clad woman retrieved a plate for herself and then proceeded to grab one for the new victor as well. A gesture that somewhat shocked the silver and raven-haired woman. All she could do was mutter a soft 'thanks' in return. The purple-eyed woman nodded her head and headed off to her usual solo table on the far side of the room. The victor knew better than to join her. Instead, she scanned the room in search of her new "friends". The orphan was very familiar with the concept of sitting alone at lunchtime. She was happy when she spotted Dagne and the rest of her crew. At least she would not have to repeat that here.

"Ladies and gentlemen, behold the legendary, record-breaking, ultra-sexy killing machine, Raven!" Dagne welcomed her to the table in an exaggerated MMA announcer voice. Given her actions in the last hour, she might as well put on some gloves. All the violence of a fistfight with none of the spandex.

"We saved you a seat, Champ," Silver patted the seat beside him.

"Why would she sit there when there is a perfectly good seat right here," Aphrodite patted her lap and winked at her. Raven blushed and shook her head, opting to sit next to Leech. Aphrodite leant over the table, giving the bloody orphan a heart-attack-inducing view of her smooth cleavage. "Why didn't you take the seat I offered? Am I not pretty enough for a lap dance? You don't think I'm pretty enough, Raven?" She purred every syllable, as she spoke.

"Wh... what? No... I mean, yes! I mean you are pretty enough!" the orphan 3was rendered a rambling mess by the seductive vixen across the table.

"Good, so tonight then! I'll leave the door open for you. Wear something pretty; preferably red. I'm sure Dags won't mind. I'm sure she'd enjoy the show as well. Right, baby?" She played with Dagne's blonde locks as she spoke. Raven was flustered and beyond confused. She looked down at the bloodstains in her clothing.

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