Hanni's face turned red and she quickly shut her mouth. H-how can she say something like that so casually? 

Minji smirked as she noticed the silence of her companion. But before she had the chance to tease the Vietnamese further, her attention was drawn forward. "Ah, we're here."

Hanni raised her head. The threes were starting to thin out and soon a long grass field opened in front of them. She could spot five or six target circles in the distance.

Hanni looked around in awe, Minji had her own place for shooting practice!

Minji walked through the field and stopped in the middle, placing down her bag. She opened it and took out a couple of safety glasses and some bullets. Hanni walked closer and took safety glasses Minji was extending to her. She put them on and watched as Minji did the same.

"Alright let's start with the basics," the woman stood up.

Hanni couldn't help but laugh a little, "Basics?" She walked past Minji and loaded her sniper. "I know how to shoot."

"But it's a new sniper type to you, no?" Minji turned to the Vietnamese. "If you let me-"

Hanni ignored Minji's words and chose a target. She then lifted up the sniper and aimed. Soon the sound of gunfire cracked the air. 

Minji's jaw almost dropped. Even though the targed circle was further away, she could see how Hanni's shot had almost hit the middle. How did she do that? She barely aimed!

A satisfied smile appeared on Hanni's face as she glanced at the target circle in the distance. She then looked over her shoulder to see Minji's reaction. "You were saying?"

For the first time, it was Minji who was speechless. Hanni couldn't help but chuckle. It was indeed a funny sight.

When Minji realized Hanni was looking at her, she quickly cleared her throat. "Eh not bad, but you're still holding it wrong," she tried to cover her stunned expression with a smirk. 

"Oh really?" Hanni scoffed and turned her head to the targets again. She raised the sniper and loaded it, ready to shoot, when suddenly she heard how Minji walked closer.

Hanni stiffened. The woman, who was now standing behind her, put her hands on Hanni's hands and adjusted her position. 

A sudden, weird feeling rolled in the pit of Hanni's stomach. Minji's hands were soft and the way she touched her gently...

Hanni's heartbeat increased.

"Here you go."

Hanni heard Minji's voice right behind her. As if by instinct, she turned her head. Minji's eyes were focused on the distant target, but it wasn't long before she lowered her gaze and their eyes met.

They were standing close to each other, and Hanni realized she was holding her breath.

Minji's eyes were deep and brown. Something about her face made Hanni want to slowly touch it and caress those soft looking cheeks. And then that sharp jawline and those rose red...

Hanni lowered her gaze.

"Maybe you should focus on the target," Minji smirked.

Hanni's eyes widened as Minji's voice woke her up. She turned her head rapidly and blinked her eyes in shock.

That... That was not good...right?

She shook her head, before raising her gaze and aiming at the same circle. She took a deep breath.

I need to concentrate...

She shot.

Hanni lowered the sniper as she felt how Minji let go of her and took a step back.

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