Chapter 2

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A scream rents through my mind bringing me to consciousness before a large hand covers my mouth. Panicking I kick out. Hard. A muffled groan and then a building pressure against my throat, I choke trying to scream but I can't get any air down.
What the hell.
I knew scion was spiteful but not enough to fucking kill us. I try to kick again but my limbs refuse to move, im tied down. Black spots dot my vision and then I knew absolutely nothing at all.
Something hot and wet touches my cheek. Confused I slowly blink my eyes open, seeing what's on top of me I do what every normal fucking person does.
I scream, at the very top of my lungs.
A thing of nightmares is crouching? No standing over me.
Staring at me, it cocks it's head. Almost like it was exasperated.
At me.
It has grayish blue scales that glimmered and sparked in the dark like a bolt of lightning it's teeth sharp as blades and twice the size of my arm,  The creature could eat me whole if it wanted to.  I didn't dare breathe.
It chuffs, hot air blowing into my face burning like the inside of a furnace. Definitely a Lightning bolt.
Looking for a way out that doesn't involve becoming a snack I note that I'm not in a cell or in a forest but in a damn cave. Tiny little bugs move around the cavernous rock formation making the cave glow like a starry night illuminating the hoards of jewels, gold and silver along with crowns of long forgotten kings and queens piled all around me, digging into my back making it difficult to move. And far above my head a trickle of light is streaming through, meaning there's a way out.
An impractical and near impossible feat since I have no idea how to climb up there and knowing one wrong move I'll fall to my death.
Classy. Just my luck.
A loud bang makes me snap my eyes back to the thing on top of me.
I watch in silent horror as it's massive scaly tail whips against a particularly tall tower of coins, making them fall all around some even landing near my head making me flinch. A low growl vibrates through my very bones making my hair stand up. Dragon.
My soul seems to say even if my body doesn't recognize my mind does. Run. 
Dragons are dead that's what everyone is taught. Killed off during a great war against the ancient fae. Either I'm seeing things or somebody clearly lied about dragons being gone for centuries.
I don't know weather  to shit myself or try running and risk becoming food but before I can decide on any option the dragon. Creature thing pears into my dark green eyes, it's own pitch black like a void and it's large nostrils flare.
Sniffing me.
I could be a statue for how deadly still i was. The dragon blinked once and then shoved me with its long snout scraping me against the rocky floor the sharp edges of gems and jewels cutting like little daggers into me.
I wince quickly trying to scramble out of its way but the dragon just kept knocking me over dragging me along until my shirt gets stuck on one of its horns.
Terror overcomes me and I scream as it bucks its head throwing me in the air.
Of all the ways to die I was going to be killed by a damn mythological one that shouldn't even be alive!
I crash onto the beasts scaley back as a cracking sound wrenches though the cavern knocking all the breath out of my body bringing tears to my eyes. My shoulder burns like the fiery pits of hell.
I bite my tounge a metallic taste filling my mouth.
I only get a seconds reprieve when the beast starts moving forcing me to hold on to the scales on its back, tearing a scream from my throat as I strain my arm to hold on with all my strength.
Great grey-blue wings slice through the air making my arm sting from the force of holding on as the beast crouches on its powerful hind legs. With one more mighty flap of its wings we launch into the air flying up, up and up. I'm trembling so bad fear practically pouring out of me I think I'll fall off or worse pass out mid air and then we're out. Blinding light greets me and the beast starts to level out flying as fast as light through the.
Gods above please have mercy on me.
As the wind whips my tangled hair at my face.
One thing is clear, wherever I'm going I have to make it out alive.
I refuse to go down without a fight. Dragons be damned.

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