Kirsty - Part 4 of 4

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After several hours of falling an infinite fall, screaming continuously, I began to relax. This was what my life was now. Perhaps I could somehow make the best of it.

Maybe there was a bottom, and it would be over so fast I'd feel nothing. Out of the ways of dying, it probably wasn't that bad. I shut my eyes and went to sleep. As soon as I did so, a hand tugged at my clothing. My shirt ripped in the face of gravity. Then another hand reached under my arm, tearing me away from my infinite plunge.

'Now do you see?' a man yelled, forcing me inside what looked like a thankfully three-dimensional helicopter. He wore a balaclava and camouflage gear, and was holding an AK 47. In other words, he looked like a terrorist.

'See what?'

'Why the second dimension has to be destroyed?'

'Honestly? Um, no,' I said. 'It is a weird place, but if they are happy, we should leave them to it.'

'What? How can you say we should leave them to it?' the man yelled.

'Well, if they like living in that dimension, that is fine. Now, can I go back to the third dimension?' I said, trying to be as calm as Kirsty. I don't think I succeeded.

'No, you cannot,' the man said. 'You will help us fulfil our task until it is complete.'

'But I don't want to help you, you're a terrorist!'

'I'm not a terrorist, I'm a warrior for justice,' ThePortalMaster said in a disdainful tone. In the helicopter were a bunch of other people wearing balaclavas and carrying AK 47s. They looked like a bunch of terrorists to me. Yet somehow I wasn't scared, or at least not as scared as I had been falling into the void.

I looked around. The space was cramped, with hardly any room. There was a blue door at the back, above which was a sign that said 'OUR CAUSE IS JUST'. But it didn't seem to lead anywhere and it was glowing. I stood up and pushed past the people with guns, in a hurry to the blue door. One of them spun round and pointed his AK 47 at me.

'Don't open that door!' As I drew closer I realised that the door wasn't solid and seemed made of some sort of plasma.

'Stop!' ThePortalMaster yelled. As I reached for the portal, gunfire exploded behind me. I stepped through. Immediately, I landed with a thud in the middle of a road.


It was dark outside. As I screamed in pain, the headlights of a car approached. I read the number plate. It was my mum's car.

It was three dimensional.

My mum got out and dashed towards me.

'I was so worried, thank God you're back!' she screamed, as I lay on the ground, gasping in pain and shock, trying to tell if anything was broken. 'You just disappeared! Are you OK? Where did you go? Did you fall and hurt yourself?'

Did I fall, oh, she had no idea.

'Terrorists have got control of a portal between the dimensions. ThePortalMaster is a terrorist, trying to destroy the second dimension. I met him,' I gasped, peeling myself off the ground.

My mum looked at me doubtfully. 'A terrorist? Are you sure he's not taking the piss? He seems to like pranks?'

'He had an AK 47 and wore a balaclava, plus the CIA were after him,' I said, standing up painfully.

'Oh, then he probably was.' We both walked into the house. I lay down with my legs elevated as everything was so painful. My mum went to get an ice pack out the fridge. My mind turned to Kirsty. I hoped she was OK, given that the terrorists were relatively close by, and there was only a two dimensional distance for them to travel. And what about Cuinn?

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