Chapter twenty-three

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"you are going to suck at this" Alyee told Brielle. Who laughed at her. "I am good at everything I do, besides I read a book on it and then watch some of that very informational YouTube, so me I am sure, Blake I  think he is going to be like a baby learning to walk"

Alyee laughed at this as they grabbed their skates. It had been a week since they had been in Paris. Doing all the actives Brielle had planned. She was the planner of the family after all.

Making their way over to were Blake and Francis were they sat by their respective people.

Johnathan, Jackson, Oliver and Oscar were already on the floor. With Johnathan holding onto Haley for dear life. Jackson getting up from falling for the 49th time. (Brielle had been counting) and Oscar was flirting with a guy and Oliver was too busy making sure he wouldn't fall.

"Blakey take my hand I will be your guide" Alyee said once she got her shoes laced up.

Blake took her hand without thought. Thankful too her. Francis and Brielle were behind them.

"By the way Frannie when is that surprise you told me about" Brielle asked.

"Christmas eve, now don't worry I already got your father's permission. let's not worry about that now. Let's ice skate"Francis said taking Brielles hand.
It was now Christmas Eve. Brielle and Aylee had gel asleep watching the grinch. Which was Brielles favorite character now.

When Francis came in and shook Brielle. "What is it Frannie"

"Come on it's time for you surprise" Francis said. Brielle was confused but then got up. Francis had a coat, gloves, and Scarf for her.

"Here out there on and out your boots on, then meet me outside, also if you have a gift for me bring it now" Francis said. Brielle did what he said and grabbed one of his gifts.

Francis was waiting outside Aylee's and hers room. "Ok now put this on" He said handing her a blind fold.

Brielle looked up at him with doubt. But trusted him.

Soon they were both in a car. Taking them somewhere. When the car stopped Francis got out and guided Brielle forward.

Too what Brielle guessed was an elevator. It was a a couple minutes when it stopped and Francis led Brielle out.

"Ok princess you can take off your blindfold now" Francis said. Brielle took it off and gasped.

They were on top of the Eiffel Tower.

"How are we up here, I thought it closed" Brielle questioned.

"I rented it" Francis said.

Brielle turned around shook. "You can rent the Eiffel Tower"

Francis smiled and walked over too her. "No not normally princess but being the youngest mafia don in the world does have it avenges"

Brielle smiled and went over too look our at the view. It was all so beautiful.

Francis came and stood beside her. Looking over the city. He had been don of the Chester mafia for little under a year. He wouldn't be proclaimed till he was 18 or 16 . Really depends.

"Ok now let's sit here on of your gifts" Francis said giving Brielle a gift bag.

Brielle gave him his. Then sat down. Francis followed her lead.
She moved the tissue paper. Revealing a bright blue box.

"You already got me a Tiffany's bracelet" Brielle said.

"You deserve all the Tiffany's bracelets sweetheart"Francis said opening his gift bag.

Brielle smiled and opened the box. It was one she had never seen before.

 It was one she had never seen before

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"Which one is this" Brielle asked.

"It's called the tennis bracelet,let me put it on you" Francis said setting down his wrapped gift still.

He then took the box. Gently taking it, and placing it on her wrist. Brielle being impatient said "it beautiful now open yours"

Francis laughed and took the neatly wrapped gift. Opening to reveal a two sliver rings with Emeralds in one and then another blank.

"It's not really sliver I know if you wear that for a long time your skin will get itchy" said Brielle putting them on his finger

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"It's not really sliver I know if you wear that for a long time your skin will get itchy" said Brielle putting them on his finger.

"And the emeralds are your birthstone." Brielle added.

"Thank you" Francis said. Hugging Brielle.

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