That Time Harry Sexted

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This one's for you 1975berry ♥️


Too much tequila. He was plastered. Hopefully, he held it together at the Grammy. Right? It would be embarrassing headlines in every newspaper tomorrow otherwise. It would be anyway. He won! Again! He couldn't believe it.

He took a cab home. His head was spinning and he let out a deep sigh. He had plans for the rest of the night. Drunk hadn't been one of them.

Hi darling. I won! On my way home. A bit too drunk. Missed you terribly. I wanna have sex. Up for it?

When he didn't get a response he sent another text. Louis still didn't answer. His fingers flew over the phone sending text after text. He glanced at the time. It was pretty late, but Louis had promised to stay awake.

Are you asleep? I hope not. I wanna do bad things to you. Tihi. Get naked!

He waited a couple of minutes but still no response. Harry furrowed his eyebrows and wrote a couple of more texts. Some words were difficult to spell. He needed to sober up a bit before he got home. Luckily he had a bottle of water with him. He drank some while he sent a couple of more texts.

He glances at the taxi driver before he discreetly rubbed a hand over his dick, making sure the driver didn't notice. He sent Louis one last text and giggled to himself.

He was almost home when his phone rang. It was Liam. He probably just wanted to congratulate him but they could talk tomorrow. He declined the call. Liam called again. Declined. The cab driver turned left and he could see their house. He really hoped that Louis was awake!

In the meantime, Louis was waiting for Harry to get home. He had watched the Grammy on the telly and he couldn't be prouder of his husband. He looked at his phone to see what time it was and if Harry had texted him. He looked a bit drunk during the night so Louis knew how this night would end. No text from Harry. That was weird.

He opened Twitter and sat up straight. He had 176 million notifications. What the hell? He clicked on one of them just to find that he had been tagged in a Tweet from Harry.

A gasp escaped his mouth and he stared at the phone. No. What the hell? How drunk was Harry?

 What the hell? How drunk was Harry?

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Oh, God. Well, this would become a shitstorm. His heart clenched from knowing how much anxiety this Tweet would put Harry in once he sobered up. The tabloids would have a fucking field trip with this one. Their managements would be furious.
It wasn't even that bad of a Tweet. It just mentioned sex. Harry always got sexualized but somehow he was supposed to not talk about sex or have sex. Talk about double standards.

Louis was worried. He clicked on Harry's Twitter page and let out a surprised laugh. Oh, fuck! Harry must think he was texting him, or sexting him more like it. He had scrolled down to the beginning. There were a lot of tweets. He couldn't help but cackle out loud. Poor Harry! He would be so embarrassed in the morning. Well, at least he hadn't mentioned his name. Their managements could easily find a stunt date for Harry and pretend that the tweets were to her. Louis snorted. As if.

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