𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐩 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞

Start from the beginning

He looked down the tracks, "We really don't have time for this." He took the clip and put it in his pocket.

Our conversation was cut short by Topper honking and coming toward us. "We gotta go." I refused to get on the bike, "Damnit Alaina, get on the bike." Hearing my first name was enough for me to get on the bike. It was worse than him calling me Laney instead of Lou. He hadn't called Alaina in years.

We took off behind the truck and the cross with the cops right behind us. JJ stayed between the truck and the cops. We were a good distance away for a while but the cops were slowly gaining on us. "Jay." I yelled as the cops got closer.

"I know." He sped up to stay on Topper's bumper. As the truck slowed down, JJ pulled up next to it. "Top, keep it straight!" He yelled as he even us with the fender of the truck. I was terrified of what was about to happen.

"JJ." I said quiet enough for him to hear.

"Get ready to jump!" He yelled back at me.

"What?!" Pope and I yelled at the same time. I never thought I would see the day that JJ had come up with the most reckless thing ever.

"Are you crazy?" I asked in disbelief. I looked to Pope and Liam who held a hand out to catch me.

"Maybe. Get ready to jump!" He repeated. Pope and Liam held their arms out, waiting for me to jump. I moved quickly and jumped, hoping the whole time they would catch me.

I was breathless as I laid back into Liam. "Oh my god." I was really hoping nothing like that was going to happen again, but somehow I had the feeling it might. Once I caught my breath, I leaned off of him and leaned back over the edge of the truck. "JJ!" I yelled for him. What was he going to do?

JJ came to a complete stop in the middle of the road and turned around, "What's he gonna do?" Cleo asked through the open back window.

"I don't think he knows." Pope answered truthfully. We all watched as JJ sat in the middle of the road with a rock in his hand, waiting for the cops.

"Is he serious right now?" I heard Kie ask as Topper continued to drive further away. The distance between us and JJ making it harder to see him and what he was about to do. I watched him take off toward the cops at full speed and throw a rock straight at the windshield before he was almost completely out of view.

I threw a hand over my face at his stupid plan. His plans were terrible, but somehow they got even worse when he had to make them up on the spot. "Topper. Stop the truck." Sarah directed as he continued to drive.


Everyone else began chiming in, "Stop the truck!", and Pope started hitting the top of the truck. Even Liam joined in.

"We have to go back for JJ!" I yelled at Topper, but he still wasn't stopping.

"I'm not going to jail for you. Not happening." He yelled back at us. I watched Sarah reach over and stroke his arm. She was trying so hard to get him to stop the truck. Going for charm over arguing.

He stopped dead in the middle of a curve in the road and turned around. I couldn't see JJ or the cops anymore. My stomach was in knots and my anxiety was through the roof. I started to walk myself through breathing exercises and Liam placed a hand overtop of mine. "It's okay," he reassured as I worked to keep my panic attack at bay.

"I'm not going to jail." Topper repeated as he continued back down the road toward JJ. I never thought I'd see the day when Topper was doing Pogue shit, but here we are.

"You're not going to go to jail!" Liam yelled back, making Topper shut up for the time being. I smiled at him for yelling back at his over dramatic friend as I leaned over to him.

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