! chapter two !

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It's been a couple weeks.

They announced a party that's in November for college freshman's.

I don't think I'll go, considering i don't exactly have a "plus one" to bring.

Todays date,

September 23rd 2023.

The most boring day of my life considering i'm gonna be working a late shift today since it's the weekend.

I start getting dressed, it was my turn to get groceries for the week.

I throw on a pair of black leggings along with a grey tank top.

I pull a grey hoodie over me, covering the tank top.

I head to the front door, my keys, wallet, and phone in my hand as i put my dark red converse on.

I go to my roommates door knocking, waiting for approval to enter.

" Come in!" she yells through the door

" Hey, i'm headed to the store now, you need anything other than groceries?" i say as i open the door before leaning against the door frame .

" Nope, thanks!" she says with a light smile as i give a thumbs up and close her door behind me.

I walk to the front door and open it, before shutting it lightly and heading to the elevator.

I sigh, knowing the elevators always take forever.

But today i'm not in a rush so it really doesn't bother me.

After about 3 minutes the elevator dings and i step inside, pressing the ground floor button and leaning against the wall sighing.


I get up from the wall standing up straight now, waiting for the doors to open.

As the doors open i walk out of the elevator and then start walking out of the apartment complex.

I click the button on my car keys, it signals a beeping sound as i open the door and sit in the drivers side, starting my car.

25 minutes later.

I arrive at the store, i pull my phone out and look at the grocery list.

I read it and head to an isle and read over it, i grab some milk, butter, eggs, and yogurt.

I walk with my cart to another isle, i look at the list once again, i repeat over it.

" Soup cans.. okay.. chicken noodle.. mushroom.. and.. beef." i say reading over the list along with grabbing the cans off the shelf.

I walk a little further down the canned foods isle, i stop at canned vegetables.

I grab canned corn, pea's, green beans, along with a bunch of other canned foods.

About an hour an a half later, i head to self checkout and start checking all of the groceries i got.

After a couple minutes of scanning, i start bagging up all the groceries and put them in the shopping cart.

I get my wallet out and grab my credit card out, i pay for all the groceries and head out of the store.

I walk for a bit as i'm heading to my car i open the trunk and start putting all the groceries in.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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