! chapter one !

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" Raya wake up, you're gonna be late!" Willow says                                                                                            
I groan, squinting my eyes as i roll over and check the time.

It reads 7:46 am.                                                                                                                                                          
"Shit, i only have 14 minutes to get ready!" I say awake now.

I sprung up out of bed and start quickly grabbing clothes.                                                                                   

-4 minutes later-

I put my hair in a half up half down style and fix my bangs before getting my bag ready.         

I grab my phone, my keys and my headphones and start heading out the door.

I live pretty close so i should get there in time.

-8 minutes later-

I arrive at my university and rush to my class, i sit down and start to get to work.

-4 hours later-

After i finish packing up from that class i start to walk on out to the cafeteria and start eating early since i was too late to grab breakfast.                                                                                                               

I sit down at a table and start eating with my friend Willow who had just gotten here.                

After a while i see someone.                                                                      

Someone I once knew..?                                                                                                                                                         

No, i'm sure it's just my imagination or i saw wrong.

I ignore it and go along with my day.

Im done eating so i go ahead and pack my stuff to walk to my next class with Willow.                         

"Hey did you hear about the new kid? he's pretty cute!" she says.                                                               

"New kid?" I look at her with a confused expression.                                                                                           

"But it's so late in the semester, why's he joining so late?" I say.                                                                

As we continue to walk our next class she continues to talk about the new student.

"Dunno, but like every girl here is head over heels for him!" Willow replies.                                           

I let out a small laugh.                                                                                                                                                   

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