Chapter 4: Dreailight

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"Do you not wonder what the light was? I know you more than you know yourself."

"And how is that possible!" She confronted crossing her arms. Inside she knew he was right, but she dared not trust him, she had done that already and to her extent.

"Because you told me."

"No I didn't! I never told you I wanted to see! I said..." She then noticed her mistake and sighed. A grin crossed his hooded face as he now walked into the clearing, the moon shining upon them both spreading its glow around them.

"It doesn't matter," she said turning, "I'm going back." He spread his arms to his sides palms up.

"Very well, but I must warn you, this choice may not be the right one." She stopped and turned in her foot stomping the other down, her head was slightly raised in an heir of authority.

"And if it is the correct choice?"

"Then I wish you good fortune. May you reach home safely." He said, the mist began to wrap around him, it's talons engulfing his body until he vanished along with it. She sighed walking back down the hill.

She walked through the forest aimlessly, her sense of direction all but lost, the forest was a twisting labyrinth of paths and streams. She didn't remember ever crossing a particular one she now came upon, its waters like crystal, the moon shining off the water causing the entire river to glow in a radiance she had only dreamt of. She crossed through it wetting her, an unwise decision but one she had no choice but to do.

"Sangrid!" She yelled, somehow she hoped he would hear her cries, she needed him, the shadow had only brought her heart ache and bad memories, those that only Sangrid knew of. A tear fell from her face only the sadness suddenly changed into wonder and curiosity. A light suddenly appeared in the forest just beyond her, it seemed to radiate upwards from the forest floor and into the trees and sky above. She quickened her pace hoping to reach the light before it disappeared.

As she approached he began to hear swirling sounds, the sound of swirling water or the bubbling of a stream or brook. Quietly, she snuck closer now in a crouch, if there were people she didn't want them to know her presence, for they may be enemies to her kingdom. The closer she came she could barely make out the features of the glow of its source, it was all being blocked by a thick wall of bushes and small trees. The shill of metal on metal was heard as she drew her blue-tinted sword, she admired its beauty before turning her focus back upon the glow. Peering through the natural barrier she beheld a mesmerizing sight.

Amidst the small clearing rested a small pond, everything about it was unlike any other pond. Its waters thrashed around in multiple swirls and waves. Although it was no bigger than the length of a full-grown man its depth was far beyond any pond should.

"What? What kind of magic is this?" She stepped forward kneeling down beside its waters. Placing her sword beside her she slowly put her hand amidst its fury. Her eyebrows narrowed in a frown, the water was naturally warm and seemed to never touch her skin, moving her hand around she noticed it began to glow.

"This water, I've never seen anything like it!" She pulled her hand out but noticed that no water had soaked or even touched her.

"Truly fascinating isn't it?"

She jolted up, her hand instinctively grabbing her sword. Her whole body was tense and ready for any movement.

"Calm yourself, it's only me," Shadow said stepping inside the clearing, "you found what I was to show you."

Gemini relaxed a little but still held her sword tip down beside her. "What is it you want!?" Shadow chuckled amused by her fierce remarks.

"I want nothing in particular, I was only told to show you this."

"And what of it!?"

"This is the second rip, it was opened by a disturbance not here but in the other world. The arrogance of man can be deadly."

"What do you mean? And what's a rip? You mentioned it before."

"That is all I will say."

"You won't answer me?"

"I already have." He stepped backwards into the tree line and vanished. Gemini stood staring into the pool, it's swirling colors held so many questions as no force even seemed to move the waters.

"I have to find my husband." She heard a snort behind her followed by the clopping of hooves.

"Gemini? Sangrid! I've found her!" She turned seeing the rider, a knight of her kingdom.


Well! Gemini has found the pool of mystical waters! What do you think of it? And once again we still do not know the identity of Shadow.

I hope you loved this one! Please comment your thoughts on this chapter as well as vote if you liked it! Until next time...

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