♥ Chapter 1 ♥

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Two years ago: December 6th 2012 Los Angeles.




Ugh.... Is there anything more interesting then counting water drops? Well can't complain this dressing room is better then the one for dancers. I can't believe I'm not in that one anymore. Okay. Well. I'm still a virgin. So this will hurt like hell but I will get paied more amd with this much money. I can finally leave. Oh I'm finally getting my online degree. With amazing marks. Okay so only a month of this horror. I muttered to myself. Pacing back and forth the stale aired room. These people were all rich. Couldn't they have fixed the room a bit. It needs exhaust system. This much perfume and hairspray can kill. The room was filled with colourful clothes... The type high-school cheerleaders wear.

"Stasi your up!", loran shouted. That jerl made sure I was the first to go. Okay. Lets do this. Sex for money. I'm a stud. Yup. I have male morals. "Lets go!" said to myself walking up the stage. Well it wasn't as much of a stage as it was an arena. This was a bidding and I was the item for the night.

"This is Stasi! She is our newest recruit to this side. She's 4'6. Like a little teddy for trust me those curves make you think of anything for cuddling. She is a natural red. Blue eyes and the best part.. SHE'S A VIRGIN!". loran smirked after finishing. I specifically told him not to tell that bit! Virgins get the creepiest old geezers! Ugh! Well I get 70% of the bid so that old geezer better be rich!

"The bid starts at 100,000!"


This should cover for rent and fees


Awesome I get extra to save


Loads to save.


I can move early!!!!




Wow...everyone gasped. That must be a new record or something.

"Ten hundred thousand going one! Going twice! -"


I choked on my own breath and loran tripped. Everyone looked around for that voice including me. Welp... Okay... Who the fuck pays 50,000,000 for a nightstand. Must be a really old and wrinkly fellow. I shuddered at that thought. I was escorted down the stage. Well so that mean 70% would be...omf...35,000,000 I don't even need to wait months! Omg! I just need like two more dance jobs. Then it will cover almost all the expenses. As per deal logan had gotten the money. And somehow in cash...like seriously? Anyway. I was paid my share before the job. They did this but that didn't mean you could run. No way. He was mafia. He didn't treat us bad. He was mostly a jerk. But also like a really good friend . But if anyone betrayed him, he could make you suffer in the worst possible way. But i still hated his guts and he knew it. As he handed me the money I kissed his cheeks with a really big smile and he chuckled. He knew all about my plans and unlike other bosses he let us go on with like. We stay as we want. Leave as we want and if we want to come back he's cool. Some would think its dumb but he's pretty good at what he does.

"So this means you will be leaving earlier. Aweee man who will I annoy now?!? But damn that money. Someone Ain't been gettin laid." he did a thug pose. I laughed as he made a face. Then winked and went back on stage with pearl He slapped her ass. She slapped his head. She was the second item.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2015 ⏰

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