Chapter 7: Arguments, conflicts & drama (Aug 8th & 9th)

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

Aqua: That's nothing I would rather explain to you, but only to my sis.

Everest: No, if this is about Skye, my best friend then I'll have her back through and through.

Aqua: Oh and speaking of "through", you don't even KNOW what we've been through!

Everest: So what? I understand her and she understands me.

Aqua: You annoy me

Liberty: Guys, that's enough from both of you.

Chelsea: How am I not your friend?

Chase: Why don't you talk to your little boyfriend and you'll find out why.

Chelsea: He didn't mean it, he was just... Just...

Chase: Just what? Waiting for my arrival so he could scar me to death, I don't think so. Now back to you, also number two, we would've been fine until you came along and ruin everything.

Blizzard: Why don't you talk to your other best friend? He found me, and it was his to blame.

Chase: What?

Marshall: I-I was thinking of doing something nice for you, buddy.

Chase: Oh yeah, reeeeal nice Marshall. You really done it this time

Marshall: I didn't mean it, I was trying to surprise you.

Chase: Well, you surely surprised me this time dude.

Marshall: (To himself) I guess it really was a bad idea from the start... (Whimpers)

Marcus: Don't feel bad dude, you didn't mean it.

Chase: Can you not comfort him?

Marcus: Hey, I can comfort who I want to comfort

Chase: Whatever

Blizzard: See? You're already turning careless already.

Chase: That's because of your mouth that keeps on going on and on and on, besides you don't know how tough it is to be an ordinary police officer.

Blizzard: That's just lame to do, they always tell you what's illegal in the world and people aren't allowed to do this and that.

Storm: Hey, my bro being a police officer is not lame.

Ranger: I agree with her

Rocky: First, you decided to kidnap me and then you tried to do something else to me from the past.

Blizzard: You either say it or I'll say it

Rocky: (Shakes his head)

Blizzard: Fine then, I tried to hurt him. Let's say that

Chase: The whole evidence, he tried to kill Rocky.

Pups except the originals and Tundra: What?!

Tundra: And tell them why you did that.

Blizzard: Because why not, I chose to do this. If you don't like it, then I prefer you to shut it.

Tundra: Looks like somebody is talking to a mirror right now.

Blizzard: (Growls)

Liberty: (To herself as she steps back a bit) This may end violently.

Blizzard: You guys are just annoying, why do you guys even want to be heroes in the first place knowing that you had a lot of downs.

Zuma: We had some downs dude, involving Marshall running away from us, saving Skye from the cold mountain, Chase running away and so on. Thewe's a lot of things that you don't know about us, Blizzawd!

Paw Patrol: The 10th anniversaryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें