Chapter One: Guitar Friends

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Hitori opened the door to her house, stepping in, she kicked off her shoes, looking towards the stairs.

"So... uh... W-Welcome to my house."

She really didn't know how to show her friend into her house, wasn't this supposed to be a special occasion? Should she have gotten dressed up and had party poppers?! Oh what kind of crappy welcome did she just put him through?!

"It's nice, so where's your room, we should probably start so I can show you the basics tonight."

"R-Right... well, it's upstairs."

Before she could start leading (Y/n) up the stairs, footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs, Hitori turned towards the stairs as mild panic began to set in.

"Hitori? Are you talking to your imaginary friends again?"

A woman's voice asked as she finally came into view, seeing Boochi and (Y/n) standing in the doorway, one with a smile on his face, the other, looking absolutely terrified.

"Oh! You even got a life sized plush! I thought you were saving up money to buy new guitar basic books."

"Oh, do you need books? I can lend them to you if you need them, Hitori."


A moment of silence followed as Hitori's mother just looked at the boy, her face changing to confusion, as she tried to process the information she was given. Her expression then turned to shock as she seemed to be lost for words.

"You're... You're real?"

"Yeah, I'd hope I'd be."

"Are you from some kind of rental service?"


The question caught (Y/n) off guard as she got even closer to the boy.

"Mom! S-Stop!"

Her eyes then landed on her daughter before slightly backing up, giving (Y/n) some much needed breathing room.

"Well... it's nice to meet you..."

"Oh, I'm (Y/n)! It's nice to meet you too, ma'am."

Hitori's mother nodded, giving off a friendly smile, before turning to the pink haired middle schooler.

"You know, I really never thought you'd bring a friend home, Hitori."

"M-Mom! I asked y-you to s-stop!"

"Right... sorry dear. Well, I should go back to watching Futari... Have fun you two!"

With that, Hitori's mother began to climb the stairs. Hitori's face was flushed red as she glanced over at (Y/n).

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be, I found it... interesting."

With that being said, he began to climb the stairs, following where Hitori's mother had just gone. Bocchi felt her body shake, but put those feelings to the side, she had to focus on learning the guitar. She held a look of determination on her face as she began to climb the stairs after (Y/n). She was finally going to learn how to play guitar!"

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Hitori held her guitar as she played the music (Y/n) taught her, despite not asking (Y/n) for help, she had been practicing on her own. Now she knew the different keys and chords, but putting it into practice was a slight challenge.

"Good, now, try going that a bit faster."

Hitori compiled as she began to speed up her playing. It didn't sound half bad, she seemed to be picking everything he taught her very quickly, but she was still a beginner, it was only a matter of time till she could really play the Guitar.

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