Chapter 8

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The holidays would continue on and Harry had been enjoying himself the whole time as with no Slitherin's to bother him made it all better and yes he does go out and study, train or explore but for the most part he would spend his whole time in the Common Room with Hedwig and honestly he wouldn't have it any other way as in the end as long as he is with Hedwig then he didnt care where he would be having this Christmas holiday or any holiday for that matter as right now Harry was currently sleeping in bed with Hedwig as they had decided to have a lay in which meant no training, no studying, no exploring unless bored no nonthing just relaxing in bed and embracing the warmth of each other as the first 1 to wake up would be Hedwig herself as she yawns and looks around the Slitherin bed room but namely down at the sleeping form of her Harry and seeing him sleep in peace made her smile as that is a future that the both of them are planning on working on once both Albus Dumbledore and Voldemort are out of the picture then the 2 of them can live in peace just them both against the world just as they planned it as she would lay back down and wraps her arms around Harry and brings him close to her body as he would snuggle close to her body as it was like he said soft and warm in this quiet chilly common room as a frown would cross her face as she remembers what Harry told her when he was summoned to Dumbledore's office

Harry had told her about coming across the Twins and how they blew up a bathroom and stole a toilet seat which gave her a good laugh much to the joy of Harry himself and once the joyous moment had come to an end is when Harry sighs and tells her what happened in Dumbledore's office

Harry-'It seems that the old man hasn't given up on his meddling'

Hedwig-'What do you mean Harry?'

Harry-'He plans for me to return to the Dursleys at the end of the year clearly he hadnt anticipated them abandoning me at some orphanage and is going to rectify that oversight'

Hedwig-'That Bastard! You cant go back their Harry if those creatures can so easily up and abandon a 1 year old in the dead of a cold night at some orphanage then i doubt their actual treatment towards you wont be any better if not out right worse they could kill you! Surviving in the Orphanage was a challenge on its own!'

Harry-'Hedwig the challenge of surviving in that orphanage was keeping your 2 forms a secret from the others there sure their were tough times and we had no choice but to survive on our magic but that was during the more harsher winters so dealing with the Dursleys shouldn't be that bad'

Only to look at Hedwig who was giving him a look of just how badly he was down playing how horrible the Dursleys are and that she was opposed to this and Harry sighs as he knows he is also down playing the evil of those muggles as the action alone to abandon a 1 year old relative from 1 side of your family that has recently been murdered is well evil on itself

Harry-'I dont like it either Hedwig but its not like we got much of a choice as i cant exactly barge into Dumbledore's office and tell him that hey perhapes sending the savior of the magical world to terrible people might not he the best decision for many reasons'

Hedwig sighs as she remembered that conversation as she hated this so much but knew their was nonthing she could do to stop as all she could really do was protect what was Her's like Harry said she was his and he was hers the 2 bonded so close that their magic has become 1 and perhapes more

That not even Harry himself has fully realised yet such as his protectiveness over her safety and well been. Gosh Hedwig can feel her heart skip a beat and her face flush red at how much Harry cared for her and how lucky she was to be with him as while he may not fully understand his feelings yet she knew that they wont change and would only grow stronger with time as she knew that his words rung true that if anything happened to her then not only would this world burn but heaven would fall and hell would freeze over until he was reunited with her which only got her worried for him as she knew that both Dumbledore and Voldemort are powerful wizards and she wasn't sure if he would be ok

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