animangus potionus

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They fucking know but honstly the Potion we did only works if it was ment to be. So I sappose me and punz and this hot little griffen  are soulmates.

Sapnap giggled to our kiss  attack as the food came and we aloud him to get whatever - slithren always got good shit because of snape, So we all sat eatting quietly.

Then off to the hallways to lolly gag - well more like to snog our griffen.

"Damn you two actully  got him" Wilbur snickered.

"Mhm we did~ and karl pissed about it but it's so hypocritical   when he cheated on sap with his little bestie probaly have for awhile" I grone before pecking sapnaps lips again  as dream takes him.

"My turn mi amor"  Dream said and took his turn snoging sapnap.

"You kidding  me Karl's pissed sap moved on fast when he moved on quicker" Wilbur snared, "damn hufflepuffs"

I just nod and roll my eyes seeing Karl with a wand in his head. I pulled mine out with my left hand.

"De-" Karl started.

"Explearmous" I huff disarming him, "what the fuck you thinking"

"He's clearly hexed and didn't mean to break up with me as he was influnced" Karl huffed, "I'm prote-"

"He's ours now bitch" Dream snared and turned flicking his want, "exposeo"

Karl flew back, "dream you're protective over you're hexed victium"

"He's not hexed" Wilbur said, "fuck off to quackfuck"

Karl huffed and ran off.

I chuckled and pecked sapnaps  neck, "wanna have some fun later maybe..?" I say soft.

"What kind?" Sapnal giggled.

"It involves you me naked and moaning for us" I say in his ear pecking it.

He giggled, "I wouldn't mind that"

I smirked, "noted, will have some fun later"

Bell rang so punz pecked sapnap - and off me  and sapnap went hand in hand to class.

"Ayo what's this" the kids say.

"Shut it" I snare holding my baby close.

I head to our desks watch wore always not necessarily  to far away from echother I sit just behind him.

"New seating chart"  snape said.

I hum raising my bow holding sapnap in my arm. He moved me and sapnap to be Potion mates.

"Yes I did it just because your my favoite  and I wanna see you thrive" snape murmed to me, "if godrinch was in the class I'd make a acception  for a group of three for this project, yes you may work cross class with him"

I nodded smirking, typiclly snape let me do it with punz due to most of the class froceing Mr to do the work.

"So today you'll all get a project, you're makeing veries diffrent potions, but one of you is gonna make liquid  luck" snape said, "rest will pick a potion"

"Mr quackity  you and  you're partner Mr vetiga will be making lqiud luck" snape said, "rest of you make anything you want, you may be excused to the library  for class"

I chuckle and take sapnap off. "Whatcha thinking to make lovey, me and punz will do anything"

"Animagus!" Sapnap giggled.

"If we have to test it you drink it" I chuckle.

"Fine by me, I'll make an adorble panda" sapnap chuckled.

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