Cupcakey - intacts

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"So how are you and karl doing sapnap.. you're moaping" Hannah asked.

I sighed, "not good wastaken and godrinch hit a nerve and I didn't protect him right away because I didn't expect  them to attack Karl they never did before"

"I understand that"  Hannah said, "I'd be aurpised to if they went for Niki randomly aswell, yk my bestie"

"Im guessing quackity is pissed because he's been dragging Karl away" Neville asked.

"Yeap" I sigh, "I should of said something"

"You didn't know it would happen big man.. don't beat urself up" Tommy said.

"Don't you have you're crew to bother?" Eryn said as a clear joke.

"Maybe honstly the huffelpuffs are just not logical partners" Hannah said, "its one garbage accident  and intentce  that quackitys crying wolf over. Not everyone jumps in instantly"

I nodded, "honstly I'm sure the relaship  is quiet over - quackity won't let him to speak to me ill just send the owl after dinner. Senice it's no contact right now"

"Probally for the best anyways  its clear quackity  is wanting him anyways." Eryn  said, "if not this over protectiveness is indeed very odd"

"Lovers have dissgarences or these all the time, why he's so bigoted about this is something it's like shock factor is a askaban  leveled crime in his tiny mind" foxfur  said.

"Good point fundy" Hannah said. "But I know yo love Karl alot sapnap but maybe it's time to just let it go, with quackity being a gargoyle  it's unlikely you'll ever speak again"

I nod softly and pic at my ham, eatting small bits and glazed at the huffle puff table - karl looks upset quackity acting like his new boyfriend.. is this what life will be like.. maybe Hannah's right maybe it's time to just leave my 4 year relationship, karl could take quackity  but he's not.

I felt jealously bubbling deep inside  -  as I turn off to gaze, "maybe you are right, quackity is basically my replacement now"

I wanted to hem down and cry deep inside but instead I looked down and poked at my food abit before eatting mash potatos.

"That sly hufflepuff" Hannah growled low.

She was like a older- unrelated to me sister to me.

"Whatever  I'm sure I have others" I murmerd  optimistic.

"Have you ever thought that the slithern duo that bother you  may.. actully want you romanticlly" eyrn said, "I have a slithern friend they are slithern-way flirting  according  to them"

"I deem that unlikely" I murmed as a owl came leaving a box infornt of me.

"Oo what's that" Tommy asked.

"None of you bees wax child" I teased taking the note from the  box. "It's from Karl?"

"Maybe he's secerly commucating" Hannah hummed.

It doesn't seem like karl wrote it though, he used adderation and really disliked the word.

I sigh and open the box smiling softly at the chocolate mersoal infront of me. "Choclate cupcake"

"I wouldn't eat it. It seems stechy" Hannah said skeptical.

I shrugged, "a cupcake what could be diffrent?"

Forgetting the lessons from eailer  I elected to peal the wrapper and eat the chocolate  cupcake.. I feel a daze of love on me... a infect take over my eyes averted to punz and dream who wore smirking.

Has anyone said  how hot there smirks wore?.

My love and adoration baked into you're favoite desert - as a sorry for what's gone down, and a token of forgiveness for what happend.

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