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Not even a Dauntless leader can get away with putting someone in the infirmary for beating them to a pulp.

Not even me.

Which is why I'm sitting here in front of Max, who spent the first 5 minutes of our meeting staring at the photos of Sarah's mangled face.

"Lucy Monroe, just when I thought you were progressing so well you go and do this. What am I supposed to do with you?" He scolded, his voice coated with disappointment.

"Come on Max, you know she deserved it! She practically begged for it!" I countered.

He rolled his eyes at me.

"Lucy, just because you're a leader now doesn't mean you're allowed to go around busting people up!"

"Why not? Eric does it."

"Yeah well, lately he looks like he finally got hit back." He mused.

And then I remembered that I punched him too.

"I don't know anyone with enough balls to hit Eric. Not even me." He said, fondling the pen in his hands.

"I did it." I said blatantly.

His brown eyes shot up to glare at me, full of concern.


I nodded.

"Oh lord. Did he hit you back?" He asked cautiously.

"No. I don't think he'd ever put his hands on me."

"Well im just asking. Anyways, we're getting a little off topic. Like I was saying earlier, I have to take some sort of disciplinary action. Otherwise word will get around to the rest of the factions and then we won't have any initiates next year."

"Max, I'm sorry about what I did. I had no intentions of getting you on trouble. I just wanted her to know that I don't put up shit like that."

"Thank you Lucy, and I know you meant well. Even though you didn't." He said with a small grin.

"If you want, I'll take fence duty for a week or two as punishment."

"No, I need you here. Lauren has the flu so you're going to fill in for her while she's out. And stage two of their training is coming up Monday so I've gotta have Four teach you how to inject the sleep serum."

"Okay. So what's my punishment then?"

He glanced at a piece of paper in front of him, and then scratched his chin for a moment before looking back up at me.

"I'm going to send you to Amity to load a truck with supplies. But I'll have to send Marvin with you because he's got some business to talk with one of their leaders."

I nodded.

"Friday we send the truck, so for now just temp for Lauren. And no more fighting."

"Yes sir." I said with a smile.


Since it was Friday night, I decided to stay in to avoid any unwanted attention. I knew that all of dauntless was gossiping about earlier and I had no desire to hear it.

But of course to my luck, on my way to my apartment I ran into Eric. In the dim hallway, I could barely make out his face but I knew it was him by his walk. When he did finally come into view, I immediately felt bad about this morning.

Eric's eye was bruised and swollen, and he had a look of absolute murder plastered permanently on his face. My failed attempt to turn and take a different route home only fueled his anger.

"Lucy." His sharp tone startled me, and I jumped slightly.

I stopped and turned back around to face him, not making eye contact. I was still angry with him and I just wanted to shrink into a hole and hide. But he walked right up to me, making a point of showing the left side of his face before speaking.

"I heard what you did to Sarah." He said calmly, keeping his hands folded behind his back.

Not bothering to look up at him, I just nodded.

"You broke up with me, so I don't understand the problem. Are you confused?"

"Nope." I answered curtly.

"You did a dumb thing, hitting me. You know I could've really hurt you if I wanted to."

I stayed quiet.

"I guess that's it then. We're done, so let's just move on."

And with those words, he maneuvered around me and walked away. I didn't let out the breath I'd been holding until the sound of his footsteps faded behind me.


Monday morning came all too soon for me, and I was slow making my way to the training room. The Dauntless borns seemed fine with chatting happily amongst each other.

"Alright guys." I said as I walked in.

The group fell silent and every pair of eyes watched me lean against the table and pick up a throwing knife. I fiddled with it in my hands as I looked up and spoke.

"Today is the start of the second stage of your training. Now the transfers will be doing their fear landscapes in the mornings, and then you guys will go in the afternoon. Now, it's your choice what you do with your time, but I'll be here for help until lunch and I suggest you guys his the bags at least for an hour everyday to stay in shape."

Everyone nodded in agreement, but nobody moved.

"What, do you guys need my permission to leave?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Lucy, can I ask you something?" A girl named Ruby asked.

I nodded to her.

"Is Max demoting you for what you did on friday?"


"Is heard that he's putting you on fence duty." Uriah said.

"No, I'm filling in for Lauren since she has the flu. But trust me, I'm not getting off scot-free."

"I saw her getting released from the infirmary this morning." Uriah cut in.

"Look guys, if it's all the same to you, I'd rather just put that behind me right now."

"Is saw her and Eric together at breakfast. Did you guys break up?" Ruby asked.

"Yes we did. Now come on, get outta here and enjoy your morning. I'm going to find some coffee."

Finally they dispersed, and only a handful of them actually went to the bags. But I didn't care, I needed to wake the hell up.

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