CHAPTER 106-110

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Because Su Jiaojiao became too cold the first day after they slept separately, Song Qinghan decided to warm her bedsheets to prevent her from turning into an ice cube the next night before obediently returning to his side of the bed.

Su Jiaojiao, who already had half a mind to end Song Qinghan's 'punishment', didn't know what to say.

She blamed herself for being too self-confident then, thinking she would be able to handle it, but in the end...she was too weak.

If Su Jiaojiao could use any emoji to express her feelings, she'd be using the 'regret' emoji right now.

If she wanted to sleep with Song Qinghan, she had to give him a fee? What kind of person is he?

When Su Jiaojiao woke up the next day, she had to hold back the urge to throttle Song Qinghan to death.

But that night, she also prepared a secret weapon – a hot water bottle!

This thing was really useful in keeping out the cold. Su Jiaojiao put it on her feet, and soon, the bed was warm. She even started sweating.

Song Qinghan calmly watched her doing this and said fakely, "Not bad, Jiaojiao is really smart."

But no matter how angry she was at Song Qinghan, she'd still give him a good night kiss.

After the two talked for a while, when sleepiness struck, Su Jiaojiao habitually pursed her mouth and said nicely and sweetly, "Kiss~"

Song Qinghan kissed her earnestly and with doting eyes.

After that, the two finally smiled at each other and said goodnight to each other.

However, in the middle of the night, or rather the early morning hours, Su Jiaojiao woke up again from the cold.

A hot water bottle couldn't be compared to an electric blanket. After all, it would turn cold quickly.

When she woke up, she couldn't feel the hot water bottle, so she reached down and tried to touch the now-cold hot water bottle, which was far away.

Su Jiaojiao's small face fell again, and she looked at Song Qinghan resentfully.

Why couldn't he just let her sleep with him?


Song Qinghan was sleeping quietly.

He quit smoking, doesn't like to drink, and exercises regularly. He had model life habits. Naturally, he didn't snore, and only his shallow breathing could be heard when he sleeps.

Su Jiaojiao blinked and shrank into a ball under the blanket. It didn't get warm after a while, and she finally had to give up and go and huddle with Song Qinghan.

She could only hope that she wouldn't wake him up.

Su Jiaojiao held her breath, her lips pressed tightly, and went over, legs first. She stopped when she felt his hot breath, then moved her butt over, and finally her entire body.

Fortunately, this bed was big enough.

But the blankets weren't.

Song Qinghan slept on the right side of the bed, and a part of the quilt on his right was pressed down, so it was warmer. Everyone in the south slept like this during the winter.

But because of this, there wasn't enough blankets on the left side.

When Su Jiaojiao got in, half of her body was still on the outside.

With a bitter face, she turned on her side to reduce her size,so she could fit in the blankets.

Suddenly, Song Qinghan moved.

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